
Easily filter and manage your products on Admin Product Grid using Category Information per Product.

Primary LanguagePHP

MageGuide CategoryFilter

Tested on: 2.1+, 2.2+, 2.3+


Easily filter and manage your products on Admin Product Grid using Category Information per Product.


  • Adding Category Column on Product Grid
  • Adding Category Filter on Product Grid


Add the app folder with all the subfolders into the root folder of your Magento Application.

Perform the following commands:

  • Developer Mode
    $ php bin/magento set:upg && php bin/magento c:c
  • Production Mode
    $ php bin/magento maintenance:enable
    $ php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    $ php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    $ php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    $ php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy el_GR en_US #or any other space seperated language you need for your project
    $ php bin/magento maintenance:disable


Catalog > Products > Category Column/Filter: You can use this for sorting, mass actions and more.


Product Grid Column

Product Grid Column

Product Grid Filter

Product Grid Filter