
Adds Remarketing360, remarketing tags on each page.

Primary LanguagePHP

MageGuide Remarketingthreesixty

Tested on: 2.3+


Adds Remarketing360, remarketing tags on each page.


  • Provides admin settings for easy customization.
  • Google Tag Manager Id can be entered from Magento backend.
  • You can choose whether to display product's sku or product's id on remarketing tags.
  • You can enable google events from the admin.

Steps to setup

  • Upload module files in app/code/MageGuide
  • Install module
        $ php bin/magento module:enable MageGuide_Remarketingthreesixty
        $ php bin/magento setup:upgrade
        $ php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  • To change general module settings go Stores > Configuration > MageGuide > Remarketing360.


Configuration settings in the admin:

  • Enabled - Enable/Disable Module.
  • Google Tag Manager ID - You can enter your Google Tag Manager Id.
  • Use Product SKU or ID - Choose whether to display product's sku or product's id.
  • Use default Magento checkout - Choose Yes if you are using the default magento checkout
  • Name of checkout extension - If no, enter here the name of the checkout extension
  • Enable Google Events - Enable/Disable Google events


Stores Configuration Settings

Admin Settings

This is an example with all the fields filled.

Final Result