The goal here is to try to do a fully working event sourced system with elixir.
- Elixir, Mix, ...
- Phoenix :
- Ecto :
- Commanded :
- Having a working env
- Having a working Phoenix and be able to display a page
- Do a simple CRUD application
- Create the table
- Insert in the table
- Display the elements of the table
- Add modify and delete feature
- Test everything, we are not that rude !
- Add interfaces on top of the Ecto CRUD
- add event sourcing on top of CRUD
- Create an Aggregate
- Be able to handle command
- Be able to handle events
- Be able to query a projection
- Bind everything to a HTML GUI
- Tests !!!
- Test the aggregate
- Test the projection
- Test an event handler
- Do some dependency injection
- With Behaviour
- Add some types with Typespec
- Add travis-ci config
- Add coveralls config
- Learned skills by writing a software which handle train ticket reservation
- Do some load tests, to see how it' goes
To re-create the database, do :
mix ecto.drop
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate
To create a new migration script, do :
mix ecto.gen.migration
Dispatch an event :
TrainTicket.Application.dispatch(%TrainTicket.Commands.Create{uuid: "4438a241-f50a-495c-b167-dd749aeb673f", name: "My event"})
Run the observer to display lot of information about the running elixir programs
With ExUnit
- run tests
mix test
- with coverage
mix test --cover
- Create a type with @type
- Create a signature with @spec
- Verify everything with
mix dialyzer