
By default, runs on port 5000. Check settings.js and services/ddhq.js in the other repo to make sure you're pointing to this server with your requests. Don't use ngrok cos you'll hit their rate limit.

To start

  • npm install

  • source .env

  • bash This runs a series of curl statements to put files in ./files that will allow this api to attempt to simulate ddhq's responses. Won't run without the source command from above.

  • npm run start

Simulator Controls

These are all GET routes.

  • /api/simulator/start

    • accepts two query parameters: "speed" and "vote_rate". these are just integers that scale up the frequency with which vote counts are updated and the amount by which they're updated. they both default to 1 if omitted.

    • e.g. GET localhost:5000/api/simulator/start?speed=100&vote_rate=100 for turbo mode.

  • /api/simulator/pause

  • /api/simulator/stop

    • same as pause, but clears all changes to base data made by the simulator.
  • /api/simulator/reset

    • same as stop, but subsequently restarts the simulator.