
Adding CMS Block, Pages, and Email Templates programmatically

Primary LanguagePHPOpen Software License 3.0OSL-3.0

Magently Content Setup Module


To install the module, run the following commands:

composer require magently/module-content-setup
php bin/magento setup:upgrade


Now you can use the module in your code. Inject Magently\ContentSetup\Model\ContentSetupFactory in your UpgradeData / PatchData class - a Factory is used here so that you can use this module in different modules in the project, for example:

  public function __construct(\Magently\ContentSetup\Model\ContentSetupFactory $contentSetupFactory)
      $this->contentSetupFactory = $contentSetupFactory;

Then create an object from a Factory passing the name of your module, for example:

/** @var \Magently\ContentSetup\Model\ContentSetup $setup */
$setup = $this->contentSetupFactory->create(['moduleName' => 'Magently_TestModule']);

From now on, you can use the module to upload your content:

$setup->setupVariable('test_variable', 'TEST VARIABLE');

Cms Pages, Cms Blocks and Email Templates must be placed in the structure of your module: app/code/VendorName/ModuleName/Setup/Content/{COMPONENT_NAME}, e.g. app/code/Magently/TestModule/Setup/Content/Block/test_block.html and app/code/Magently/TestModule/Setup/Content/Block/test_block.php

files will be used to create / update a block with a test_block identifier. Put the content of the block in the .html file. In the .php file, put the data as an array with keys such as name or is_active:

// file: app/code/Magently/TestModule/Setup/Content/Block/test_block.php

return [
    'title' => 'Magently Test Block',
    'identifier' => 'test_block',
    'is_active' => 1

Declare Magento Variables as below, without any files:

    public function setupVariable(
        string $code,
        string $name = null,
        string $plainValue = null,
        string $htmlValue = null

More information

You can find more about how the module works on our Magently blog: https://magently.com/blog/add-magento-cms-blocks-programmatically

In case of problems or ideas on how to improve the module, don't hestiate to open a pull request.