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Extended Access Control List for Magento

This extension allows merchants to restrict admin users to specific store views, so it makes your Magento multitenant.


What we can do

We currently support restrictions of Magento Core:

  • system configuration,
  • customers
  • catalog, and
  • sales

What we can't do

There are lots of third party extensions for Magento and we can't support every single of them, so we focused on Magento Core, allowing you (or your developer) to extend it according to your needs.


We recommend to use Composer to install this into your Magento store, but you may also use modman or just copy the extension into your Magento root.

Most of our code uses event/observer pattern to gain maximum compatibility, but there are few rewrites, too (namely store switcher blocks). So make sure, your other extensions do not override the same blocks.

Clean cache after installation.


Open System → Permissions → Roles and select a role without full system access. There you will find a new tab "Advanced ACL" in there, where you will be able to restrict the role to some specific store views.

If none is selected, the role access won't get limited.

Regarding system configuration, users will be able to enter website level, if they have access to all stores of the website. Furthermore, users will be able to enter default level, if they have access to all stores of your Magento installation.


Your shop probably contains lots of modules and you might want to restrict access to these, too.

Our helper provides three methods to determine access:

  • Mage::helper('magentohackathon_advancedacl')->hasStoreViewAccess($store) to request access to a specific store (given as Mage_Core_Model_Store, store id or store code),
  • Mage::helper('magentohackathon_advancedacl')->hasFullStoreGroupAccess($storegroup) to request access to a whole storegroup (given as Mage_Core_Model_Store, store id or store code), that means, the user is allowed to access all stores of this store group,
  • Mage::helper('magentohackathon_advancedacl')->hasFullWebsiteAccess($website) to request access to a whole website (given as Mage_Core_Model_Website, website id or website code), that means, the user is allowed to access all stores of this website,
  • Mage::helper('magentohackathon_advancedacl')->hasFullAccess() to request access to the whole shop, that means, the user is allowed to access all stores of the shop


OSL - Open Software Licence 3.0


(c) 2015