
Golang test for candidates

Primary LanguageMakefile

Adobe GoLang Exercise - API Gateway


We would like you to build an API Gateway that would receive POST request with any JSON payload, and it would redirect it to a specific Subscriber. For the Subscriber to be able to receive requests it has to be registered into the API Gateway beforehand.

Example: One Subscriber has been registered into the API Gateway with URL http://subscriber.dev and name sub1. Any POST request made to API Gateway as http://gateway.dev/sub1 (with body {"any": "field"}) should be redirected as a new POST to http://subscriber.dev with same body.


1. Registering a new subscriber into API Gateway

On each call to this endpoint, API Gateway must:

  • store data about a new subscriber;
  • reply to the caller with the result of the operation.

We have provided to you a ready to use Subscriber that can be spin up with Docker: docker-compose up -d api. The URL of the Subscriber is http://localhost:8083.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: This Subscriber is intentionally unstable. Sometimes returns 202 (ACCEPTED) responses and sometimes 5xx errors. Try to call several times to curl -v http://localhost:8083 -d and you'll see the different responses. We would expect from you to implement some kind of retry mechanism inside API Gateway.


  • accepts 2 mandatory fields:
    • a name of the subscriber
    • http url of the subscriber;
  • the name must be validated and can only contain letters and numbers [a-z0-9];
  • the url must be validated to make sure it's a valid url;

2. Sending a request to a subscriber through API Gateway

On each POST call to this endpoint, API Gateway must:

  • forward the request to the provided subscriber;
  • retry the request if the response to the subscriber failed with HTTP 5xx;
  • reply to the caller with the last response code from the subscriber.


  • accepts 2 mandatory fields:
    • a subscriber name (e.g sub1, remember the Subscriber has to be previously registered in API Gateway);
    • a body (json payload, e.g {"any": "field"}) that needs to be sent to the subscriber;

Submission Guidelines


  • be written in Go;
  • use in-memory storage for the implementation. No need to use persistent storage e.g mysql;
  • be well tested to the level you would expect in a production environment;
  • should contain tests that run with make test - our reviewers will run make test to assess if your tests pass;
  • should contain make start command to run the API Gateway locally;
  • contain documentation that explains your technical decisions, for example, why you chose a particular retry mechanism. The better the documentation, the easier it will be for reviewers to understand and evaluate your project;
  • in the documentation, include curl examples to call endpoints of the application;

Should not

  • use a code generator to write the client library;
  • use (copy or otherwise) code from any third party without attribution to complete the exercise, as this will result in the test being rejected;

How to submit your solution

  • use the original repository as a template to create your own repository and make it private. Do not fork the repository;
  • implement your solution;
  • create documentation for the solution;
  • invite reviewers to your private repo: rubencougil, AVoskoboinikov, pablomoreno61 (these are github users)
  • send the link to your repository back to the Adobe person of contact;