- 0
- 2
Graceful Handling of Null element in Page Builder to Prevent Editor Failure
#866 opened by Stevie-Ray - 5
[Issue] Fixes: Bundle product with only one product in required bundle option not being added to cart with bundle option
#870 opened by m2-assistant - 1
Test issue for automation
#872 opened by engcom-Hotel - 1
Test error
#871 opened by engcom-Hotel - 1
[Issue] Tailwindui css layout support - colon is not accepted by the pattern
#859 opened by m2-assistant - 0
[Issue] Ignore styles which no longer apply
#863 opened by m2-assistant - 3
- 2
Page builder template append instead of replace
#837 opened by afourmeaux - 8
- 2
I couldn't find any information about creating a header and footer in the page builder of Magento 2. If such an option doesn't exist, I kindly request its addition to enable easy editing of the header and footer.
#850 opened by DanielCyran - 2
Can not see uploaded image in page-builder Preview when infinite-loop is enabled
#857 opened by DhruvBasan - 3
YouTube Nocookie URL Not Accepted
#826 opened by sprankhub - 9
Test Issue
#864 opened by engcom-Hotel - 2
- 2
- 1
New feature column and URLs
#858 opened by dronerdk - 1
Product Carousel with ANY Two Conditions finds only Products with Both Conditions
#856 opened by CharlesB2T - 7
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Cannot edit HTML content block in Magento 2.4.4-p2
#844 opened by JamesFX2 - 1
please add the ability to change the button color (normal color and hover color) as well as the ability to change the link color. I believe such features should be standard.
#853 opened by DanielCyran - 1
border top, bottom, left, right
#852 opened by DanielCyran - 1
I kindly request the addition of the following features in the mobile version
#851 opened by DanielCyran - 1
Hello. I kindly request the addition of a feature that allows adding a column widget to another column widget, enabling easy creation of a layout similar to the one shown in the attached screenshot.
#849 opened by DanielCyran - 2
- 1
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Add option to order products in product slider component
#841 opened by kamephis - 2
- 3
Hide elements on a page for just mobile
#814 opened by oefterdal - 1
- 2
Responsive column order & width
#836 opened by afourmeaux - 1
set image size in carousel - through view.xml?
#839 opened by IanFiretoys - 7
- 1
page builder 2.2.3 and metapackage 1.7.2 ERROR
#838 opened by dtavieres - 3
vimeo js missing
#832 opened by johncarlson21 - 1
layout 2 columns left avoid to override layout on catalog_category_view
#829 opened by antoniocarboni - 2
OWASP Firewall Rule Violations
#831 opened by tschirmer - 1
Product Grid/Carousel with date conditions equals or less/greater than with no results
#830 opened by gyduxa - 9
- 3
#823 opened by VladimirZaets - 3
#822 opened by VladimirZaets - 3
GJSS Test issue #6
#821 opened by VladimirZaets - 3
GJSS Test issue #5
#820 opened by VladimirZaets - 2
GJSS Test issue #1
#816 opened by github-jira-sync-bot - 2
#817 opened by VladimirZaets - 3
#818 opened by VladimirZaets - 2
#819 opened by github-jira-sync-bot - 2
GJSS Test issue
#815 opened by github-jira-sync-bot - 2
- 1
Problem with showing preview in the admin panel
#809 opened by mnowakCode