Provides the JBossEAP application server on OpenShift.
deployments/ Location for built WARs (details below)
src/ Example Maven source structure
pom.xml Example Maven build file
.openshift/ Location for OpenShift specific files
config/ location for configuration files such as standalone.xml
action_hooks/ See the Action Hooks documentation [1]
markers/ See the Markers section [2]
[1] Action Hooks documentation [2] Markers
Note: Every time you push, everything in your remote repo directory is recreated.
Please store long term items (like an sqlite database) in the OpenShift
data directory, which will persist between pushes of your repo.
The OpenShift data directory is accessible via an environment variable OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR
There are two options for deploying content to the JBoss Application Server within OpenShift. Both options can be used together (i.e. build one archive from source and others pre-built)
NOTE: Under most circumstances the .dodeploy file markers should not be added to the deployments directory. These lifecycle files will be created in the runtime deployments directory (can be seen by SSHing into the application), but should not be added to the git repo.
- (Preferred) You can upload your content in a Maven src structure as is this sample project and on git push have the application built and deployed. For this to work you'll need your pom.xml at the root of your repository and a maven-war-plugin like in this sample to move the output from the build to the deployments directory. By default the warName is ROOT within pom.xml. This will cause the webapp contents to be rendered at If you change the warName in pom.xml to app_name, your base url would then become
Note: If you are building locally you'll also want to add any output wars/ears under deployments from the build to your .gitignore file.
Note: If you are running scaled EAP6.0 then you need an application deployed to the root context (i.e. for the HAProxy load-balancer to recognize that the EAP6.0 instance is active.
- You can git push pre-built wars into deployments/. To do this with the default repo you'll want to first run 'git rm -r src/ pom.xml' from the root of your repo.
Basic workflows for deploying pre-built content (each operation will require associated git add/commit/push operations to take effect):
A) Add new zipped content and deploy it:
- cp target/example.war deployments/
B) Add new unzipped/exploded content and deploy it:
- cp -r target/example.war/ deployments/
- edit .openshift/config/standalone.xml and replace
C) Undeploy currently deployed content:
- git rm deployments/example.war
D) Replace currently deployed zipped content with a new version and deploy it:
- cp target/example.war deployments/
E) Replace currently deployed unzipped content with a new version and deploy it:
- git rm -rf deployments/example.war/
- cp -r target/example.war/ deployments/
Note: You can get the information in the uri above from running 'rhc domain show'
If you have already committed large files to your git repo, you rewrite or reset the history of those files in git to an earlier point in time and then 'git push --force' to apply those changes on the remote OpenShift server. A git gc on the remote OpenShift repo can be forced with (Note: tidy also does other cleanup including clearing log files and tmp dirs):
rhc app tidy -a appname
Whether you choose option 1) or 2) the end result will be the application deployed into the deployments directory. The deployments directory in the JBoss Application Server distribution is the location end users can place their deployment content (e.g. war, ear, jar, sar files) to have it automatically deployed into the server runtime.
The jbosseap
cartridge provides several environment variables to reference for ease
of use:
OPENSHIFT_JBOSSEAP_IP The IP address used to bind JBossEAP
For more information about environment variables, consult the OpenShift Application Author Guide.
Adding marker files to .openshift/markers
will have the following effects:
enable_jpda Will enable the JPDA socket based transport on the java virtual
machine running the JBoss AS 7 application server. This enables
you to remotely debug code running inside the JBoss AS 7
application server.
skip_maven_build Maven build step will be skipped
force_clean_build Will start the build process by removing all non-essential Maven
dependencies. Any current dependencies specified in your pom.xml
file will then be re-downloaded.
hot_deploy Will prevent a JBoss container restart during build/deployment.
Newly build archives will be re-deployed automatically by the
JBoss HDScanner component.
java7 Will run JBossEAP with Java7 if present. If no marker is present
then the baseline Java version will be used (currently Java6)
The jbosseap
cartridge provides an OpenShift compatible wrapper of the JBoss CLI tool on the gear PATH
, located at
. Use the following command to connect to the JBoss instance with the
CLI tool: -c --controller=$OPENSHIFT_JBOSSEAP_IP:9999