
Transforms trx file into html

Primary LanguageHTML


Transforms trx file into html

Trxer is a new way to view Trx Reports,all you need is a browser
Trxer website: http://wingsrom.ro/trxer/

Navigate Easily
Trxer so friendly UI will make your life easier,much easier.You can navigate through test classed,
see outputs,messages,stacktrace,test duration and much more.

Read Clearly
TRXER html report is eye friendly which means you will understand all you need at one glimpse look.
No mess,no misunderstood fonts.

Find Problem Faster
With our friendly UI, you can watch stacktraces,outputs and messages so you can determine what's the problem as quickly as lightning.

Using Graphs
We draw graphs for you so you can see the status of each test class and the total passed,
failed and warnings of all tests which you can download and use later.

Colors TRXER html report is colorful.
Each color:

  • green
  • red
  • yellow
indicate test status and tells you whether test passed,failed or got warned during run.

assume you have an image to show in the report , just put it's url in the test message,stdout or stderror and
Trxer autimatically will show your image in the final html report

What you should do is surround the url with Quotes like the folowing:

"image url here"


Providing a clear view to understand stacktraces:

Status Bar
Status bar indicate whether test run has failed or passed

Outcome=Failed statusbar

Outcome=Passed statusbarpassed

Supporting Versions
TRXER supports visual studio 2010 and higher (xmlns="http://microsoft.com/schemas/VisualStudio/TeamTest/2010")
but can easily supports lower versions by lowering the '2010' year to whatever you like.

Supporting Browsers
Trxer supported by all major browsers that supports Html5 Canvas

Trxer is an EXE file.
Trxer.exe <file.trx>
The output will be at the trx folder under the name "file.trx.html"

TrxerConsole.exe <TRX file>

This is how it looks like

alt tag