
List of organizations for women in tech in the bay area

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List of organizations for women in tech accessible from the bay area.

All groups/events are free unless otherwise specified.

* Indicates the org requires members to identify as women

Table of Contents

  • PyLadies SF/Silicon Valley
    • Female Python developers get together regularly to hack on projects and help each other through the process
    • SF branch has two workshops a week, SV branch has 2 workshops a month
  • Railsbridge - SF
    • Not a women in tech group, but regularly hosts Ruby on Rails workshops for women
  • Women in Wireless-SF
    • Hosts talk + networking style events every 2-3 months.
    • To connect, inspire, and empower female leaders in the mobile and digital space.
  • Women in Hardware - SF
    • Hosts talk + networking style events every 1-2 months. Occasionally hosts factory tours.
    • Women in Hardware helps connect female founders, engineers, investors, manufacturers, and marketers building the future of connected hardware. We are 500+ badass women helping other women be even more badass in SF, NYC, Boston and beyond.
  • Bay Area Women in Machine Learning & Data Science
    • Meets every 1-3 months in a speaker + networking format in various parts of the bay area
    • This is a meetup group for women interested in Machine Learning and Data Science and have chapters in a number of cities. We meet to discuss machine learning and data science in an informal setting with the purpose of building a community around women in these fields. To join our Slack group, send an email to slack@wimlds.org (women only).
  • Women in IoT
    • Hosted their second event ever on September 22, 2016 (talk + networking)
    • Audience was half men, the speaker was a white man, and only ~20 people attended
    • Seems to always be hosted at Neustar in SF
  • Lean In SF - UX
    • Inactive/no events planned
  • Duchess SF
    • Java and Salesforce group
    • Last hosted event was in January, seems to be inactive
  • Django Girls
    • Most recently held an event in 2015
  • Data Driven Women - SF
    • Seemingly stagnant meetup group for women in data analysis
  • Ladies that UX SF
    • Can't tell if this is active
  • Rails Girls SF
    • Annual 2-day workshop on Ruby on Rails for women, last hosted in 2014
  • Women in Security and Privacy
    • Based out of SF, don't see anything immediately actionable outside of joining the newsletter
  • Silicon Valley Women in Robotics
    • Doesn't host events specifically for women in robotics, but if you join you can "steer the agenda" of Silicon Valley Robotics
  • Girls Who Code
    • A 7 week summer immersion program for high school sophomore and junior girls who are interested in learning to code
    • Clubs are all over the bay area
  • Black Girls Code
    • Getting African American girls interested in tech via workshops
    • Active Chapters as of 2017 in Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, Boston, Bay Area, NYC, LA, and Memphis
  • CodeEd - SF
    • Middle school girls from undeserved communities can learn how to code with the workshops this organization conducts
  • Technovation - SF
    • A technology entrepreneurship program for middle school girls where they get to build a prototype of a mobile app, write a business plan and get feedback from VCs
    • Opportunities to mentor, coach, volunteer, judge or be an ambassador
  • techbridge - Oakland, San Jose
    • An after school program that involves families, role models, school districts and partners to help girls from undeserved communities learn about STEM
  • ChickTech
    • Multiple workshop leader and board positions available
    • We facilitate hands-on technology-centric events to empower, support, and increase the confidence of women and girls.
  • TechWomen
    • Volunteer as a professional or cultural mentor from September - October to mentor a woman from Africa, Central Asia or the Middle East
    • Requires that you have a job and a project for said person, and are willing to work with them for five weeks
    • TechWomen brings emerging women leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) from Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East together with their professional counterparts in the United States for a yearly mentorship and exchange program.
  • AspireIT
    • Plan and host a mentorship program for K-12 girls interested in computing (not location specific)
  • code.org
    • Teachers would love to have somebody passionate about computer science education who can help in the classroom, or for somebody who can inspire their students by talking about the breadth of possibilities with computer science (which could be done through a video chat).
  • She++ - Palo Alto
    • Stanford student organization for women in tech that occasionally hosts public events, most notably the annual She++ conference
    • College students or recent grads can sign up to be she++ ambassadors or mentors
  • Dare 2B Digital
    • Yearly conference for girls and boys grades 7-10 hosted in February
    • Not specific for girls, but has received awards for their encouragement of diversity
    • Volunteer as a mentor
  • Yearup
    • Mentor (8-month commitment) or tutor a student age 18-24 from a diverse urban background
    • For a shorter term commitment, be a guest speaker to a class
  • Girls Teaching Girls to Code
    • Stanford women in technical fields teach and inspire Bay Area high school girls to explore CS and engineering
    • High school students can apply for the liaison program to work with GTGTC to organize events in their communities
  • Hackbright Academy
    • Volunteer to mentor a Hackbright student (3 month commitment for 1 hour/week)
  • Watermark
    • Yet another paid professional women's networking organization ($250-1000/year)
  • National Association of Professional Women (NAPW)
    • Scammy expensive ($700-900) professional women org that has a 1-star rating on Yelp
  • Professional BusinessWomen of California
    • ~$150/year hosts events in the Bay Area
  • Society of Women Engineers - San Jose, Palo Alto, SF and East Bay
    • Paid professional women in engineering organzation, mostly geared towards college students
  • IEEE Women in Engineering Santa Clara Valley
    • Need to be a member of IEEE to join
  • Ellevate - SF, Silicon Valley
    • ~$100-300/year community for professional women
  • Women in Technology International SF/Silicon Valley
    • ~$100-200/year women in tech organization
  • Association for Women in Science - SF, East Bay, Palo Alto
    • $65-150/year women in science organization
  • Leading Women in Technology
    • Hosts some events in the bay area, no way to sign up for location specific
    • ~$350/year, geared towards women 5-15 years into their careers
  • TechLiminal
    • Intro tech workshops (not free), membership $25/month
  • Webgrrls SF/Silicon Valley
    • Doesn't appear to be very active
    • $55-150/year
  • HackBright Academy
    • 10 week full-time python coding boot camp for women
  • mothercoders - SF and Berkeley/Oakland
    • A tech orientation program designed for women with kids
  • Techtonica
    • A new non-profit that provides free tech training to local, low-income women and non-binary adults so they can #BridgeTheTechGap.
    • Class start dates/sign up information has not yet been released (9/2016)
  • skillcrush
    • Online tech bootcamp geared towards women
  • Double Union
    • Women's hackerspace near the 22nd St Caltrain station, they occasionally have public events
  • LOL Oakland Makerspace
    • Not women-specific, but "a people-of-color-led, gender-diverse, queer and trans inclusive hacker/maker space in East Oakland"
  • Help me figure out how to add social media badges for Meetup, Facebook, Twitter etc
  • Add organizations to the list via issues or a pull request!
  • Add short, relevant bullet points (15 words or less) if you think a description is lacking
  • Make it "prettier", improve markdown formatting