
One click Vault deployment with Consul backend running on local multinode Kubernetes cluster (Vagrant) with Ceph persistent storage provider (Rook)

Primary LanguageShell

KMS running on local Kubernetes cluster

Deployment Overview

Deployment of the KMS service was built on the VirtualBox platform which provide the ability to run multiple virtual instances on a local machine and create an environment suitable for testing and experimenting.

This deployment uses some set of frameworks and tools:

  1. Vagrant is an open-source software product for building and maintaining portable virtual software development environments.
  2. Ansible is an open-source software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment tool.
  3. Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management.
  4. Helm is a package management tool for the Kubernetes cluster.
  5. MetalLB - A network LB implementation for Kubernetes using standard routing protocols.
  6. Rook - File, Block, and Object Storage Services for your Cloud-Native Environments.
  7. Consul - Storage backend for Vault.
  8. Vault - A tool for secrets management (KMS), encryption as a service, and privileged access management.


Vault KMS service requires a persistent storage backend for storing encrypted and sensitive data which should be available in HA mode. For this purpose using Consul tool stores data to the Kubernetes persistent volumes. Kubernetes support different type of storage classes and for this deployment we are using the Rook project which is based on the Ceph distributed storage system.


  1. Install VirtualBox for setup virtual environment.
  2. Install Vagrant tool for deploy virtual servers.
  3. Install Ansible for configure system (brew install ansible).

Deploy virtual servers

Clone project repository:

git clone https://github.com/maggnus/kube_vault.git

Check configuration file etc/cluster_config.yml:

box_name: "centos/7"

  # VirtualBox
    enable: true
  # Amazone EC2 (not implemented)
    enable: false
    access_key_id: EDIT_HERE
    secret_access_key: EDIT_HERE
    region: us-east-1
    security_groups: EDIT_HERE
    instance_type: m1.small
    keypair_name: EDIT_HERE
    ssh_private_key_path: EDIT_HERE

  - name: "kube-master01"
    box: "centos/7"
    cpu: 2
    ram: 2048
    role: "master"

  - name: "kube-node01"
    box: "centos/7"
    cpu: 2
    ram: 2048
    role: "node"

  - name: "kube-node02"
    box: "centos/7"
    cpu: 2
    ram: 2048
    role: "node"

Deploy virtual servers with Vagrantfile:

vagrant up --provision

Check if servers up and running:

# vagrant status
Current machine states:

kube-master01             running (virtualbox)
kube-node01               running (virtualbox)
kube-node02               running (virtualbox)

Kubernetes cluster

Login to controller node:

vagrant ssh kube-master01

Check if all 3 nodes are in Ready status:

# kubectl get nodes
kube-master01   Ready    master   15h   v1.13.4
kube-node01     Ready    <none>   15h   v1.13.4
kube-node02     Ready    <none>   15h   v1.13.4

Check if all pods are up and running:

NAMESPACE         NAME                                            READY  STATUS
consul            consul-2khpn                                    1/1    Running
consul            consul-5zpmc                                    1/1    Running
consul            consul-qx8np                                    1/1    Running
consul            consul-server-0                                 1/1    Running
consul            consul-server-1                                 1/1    Running
consul            consul-server-2                                 1/1    Running
consul            consul-sync-catalog-857f88f794-9bqf8            1/1    Running
helm              tiller-deploy-5f4b6784-8n7bk                    1/1    Running
metallb           metallb-controller-586c94bfd-frqw8              1/1    Running
metallb           metallb-speaker-2tdwz                           1/1    Running
metallb           metallb-speaker-6nhh8                           1/1    Running
metallb           metallb-speaker-kb8jh                           1/1    Running
nginx-ingress     nginx-ingress-controller-5fcf5899ff-zn68z       1/1    Running
nginx-ingress     nginx-ingress-default-backend-56d99b86fb-h7gvz  1/1    Running
rook-ceph-system  rook-ceph-agent-cll4j                           1/1    Running
rook-ceph-system  rook-ceph-agent-lzccg                           1/1    Running
rook-ceph-system  rook-ceph-agent-zzxkj                           1/1    Running
rook-ceph-system  rook-ceph-operator-b996864dd-hxzbm              1/1    Running
rook-ceph-system  rook-discover-qv5vh                             1/1    Running
rook-ceph-system  rook-discover-tmf87                             1/1    Running
rook-ceph-system  rook-discover-zl8r8                             1/1    Running
rook-ceph         rook-ceph-mgr-a-55ff8b69d4-bqd6p                1/1    Running
rook-ceph         rook-ceph-mon-a-5db8fdb48d-d9zjp                1/1    Running
rook-ceph         rook-ceph-mon-d-bd7497768-frxw7                 1/1    Running
rook-ceph         rook-ceph-mon-e-fbcff54f9-dt42t                 1/1    Running
rook-ceph         rook-ceph-osd-0-68c7f4f597-chxpq                1/1    Running
rook-ceph         rook-ceph-osd-1-69fd7fcb48-dr5xh                1/1    Running
rook-ceph         rook-ceph-osd-2-675f498c47-dr2v6                1/1    Running
rook-ceph         rook-ceph-osd-prepare-kube-master01-77zjd       0/2    Completed
rook-ceph         rook-ceph-osd-prepare-kube-node01-8xj99         0/2    Completed
rook-ceph         rook-ceph-osd-prepare-kube-node02-jxrxp         0/2    Completed
vault             vault-vault-6975d5d8bb-5kt9n                    1/1    Running
vault             vault-vault-6975d5d8bb-65hbq                    1/1    Running
vault             vault-vault-6975d5d8bb-px6g6                    1/1    Running

Consul UI access

To get access to Vault and Consule UI run command:

# kubectl get svc --all-namespaces | grep -E 'consul-ui' | column -t
consul  consul-ui    LoadBalancer  80:30355/TCP    95m

Consul UI: Consul

Vault initial configuration

Check kubernetes services to get public IP and port for external access to Vault UI:

# kubectl get svc --all-namespaces | grep -E 'vault-vault' | column -t
vault   vault-vault  LoadBalancer  8200:30955/TCP  58m
  1. Open Vault UI with url and fill up the form.


  2. Store initial Root Token and Unseal Keys.


  3. Unseal Vault with master key


  4. Sing in toVault with root key


  5. Done.


Vault console access

Check that it works:

export VAULT_ADDR=
vault status -tls-skip-verify

Key             Value
---             -----
Seal Type       shamir
Initialized     true
Sealed          false
Total Shares    1
Threshold       1
Version         1.0.1
Cluster Name    vault-cluster-9a3140d3
Cluster ID      2289c9df-f2e8-27e6-31cb-d2b84c74bb1e
HA Enabled      true
HA Cluster
HA Mode         active