The Tasks

Now assume you are a DevOps for a brand-new project.

The Product Owner wants to develop a three-tier software solution which includes web UI, API service and DB. The Product Owner also wants to use AWS as much as possible, so we decide to use EKS as our server host. We have also determined that Terraform is the language for the infra team.

We already have an initial repo for the infra part (EKS and VPC), but some code is missing. Please extend the code to complete the missing functionality. You should not need to change any of the existing VPC or EKS code.

Based on the code you completed in infra repo, please use Github Actions as CI/CD tool to build and deploy this repo, so it can be applied automatically when you push your code to GitHub.


These are the three modules we use:

  • cloudposse/terraform-aws-tfstate-backend
  • terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws
  • terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws

Please use these modules to complete the code.

Deployment guide

  1. Create demo workspace
terraform workspace new demo
  1. Init Terraform modules
terraform init
  1. Review and apply scripts
terraform plan
terraform apply
  1. Install AWS cli tool
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install
  1. Update kubeconfig
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name eks
  1. Check if the cluster alive
kubectl get nodes