
Problem when running the sample named varCond

mxdzsy1228 opened this issue · 6 comments

When running the sample named varCond, I meet a error made that sample stoped running.
mpiexec -n 1 magic.exe input.nml
` !--- Program MagIC 5.6 ---!
! Start time:
2018/11/12 12:07:18
! Reading grid parameters!
! Reading control parameters!
! Reading physical parameters!
! Reading start information!
! Reading output information!
! Reading inner core information!
! Reading mantle information!
! Reading B external parameters!
! No B_external namelist found!
0: lmStartB= 1, lmStopB= 561
Using snake ordering.
1 1 561 561
rank no 0 has l1m0 in block 1
!-- Blocking information:

! Number of LM-blocks: 1
! Size of LM-blocks: 561
! nThreads: 1

! Number of theta blocks: 12
! size of theta blocks: 4
! ideal size (nfs): 4
Using rIteration type: rIterThetaBlocking_seq_t

! This is an anelastic model
! You use entropy and pressure as thermodynamic variables
! You use entropy diffusion
! You solve two small matrices
! The key parameters are the following
! DissNb = 1.081202E+00
! ThExpNb= 1.000000E+00
! GrunNb = 5.000000E-01
! N_rho = 1.000000E+00
! pol_ind= 2.000000E+00

! Const. entropy at outer boundary S = -3.846154E-02
! Const. entropy at inner boundary S = 9.615385E-01
! Total vol. buoy. source = 0.000000E+00
-----> rank 0 has 103321356 B allocated

n_r_max = 49,
n_cheb_max = 47,
n_phi_tot = 96,
n_theta_axi = 0,
n_r_ic_max = 17,
n_cheb_ic_max = 15,
minc = 1,
nalias = 20,
l_axi = F,
fd_stretch = 3.000000E-01,
fd_ratio = 1.000000E-01,
fd_order = 2,
fd_order_bound = 2,
mode = 0,
tag = "test",
n_time_steps = 500,
n_tScale = 0,
n_lScale = 0,
alpha = 6.000000E-01,
enscale = 1.000000E+00,
l_update_v = T,
l_update_b = T,
l_update_s = T,
l_update_xi = T,
l_newmap = F,
map_function = "ARCSIN",
alph1 = 8.000000E-01,
alph2 = 0.000000E+00,
dtstart = 0.000000E+00,
dtMax = 5.000000E-06,
courfac = 2.500000E+00,
alffac = 1.000000E+00,
l_cour_alf_damp = T,
intfac = 1.500000E-01,
n_cour_step = 6,
difnu = 0.000000E+00,
difeta = 0.000000E+00,
difkap = 0.000000E+00,
difchem = 0.000000E+00,
ldif = 1,
ldifexp = -1,
l_correct_AMe = T,
l_correct_AMz = T,
l_non_rot = F,
l_runTimeLimit = T,
runHours = 0,
runMinutes = 50,
runSeconds = 0,
tEND = 0.000000E+00,
radial_scheme = "CHEB",
polo_flow_eq = "WP",
anelastic_flavour= "NONE",
thermo_variable = "NONE",
ra = 1.500000E+07,
raxi = 0.000000E+00,
pr = 1.000000E+00,
sc = 1.000000E+01,
prmag = 1.000000E+00,
ek = 1.000000E-04,
po = 0.000000E+00,
prec_angle = 2.350000E+01,
po_diff = 0.000000E+00,
diff_prec_angle = 2.350000E+01,
epsc0 = 0.000000E+00,
epscxi0 = 0.000000E+00,
DissNb = 1.081202E+00,
strat = 1.000000E+00,
polind = 2.000000E+00,
ThExpNb = 1.000000E+00,
epsS = 0.000000E+00,
cmbHflux = 0.000000E+00,
slopeStrat = 2.000000E+01,
rStrat = 1.300000E+00,
ampStrat = 1.000000E+01,
thickStrat = 1.000000E-01,
nVarEntropyGrad = 0,
radratio = 2.000000E-01,
l_isothermal = F,
interior_model = "NONE",
g0 = 0.000000E+00,
g1 = 1.000000E+00,
g2 = 0.000000E+00,
ktopv = 1,
kbotv = 2,
ktopb = 1,
kbotb = 3,
ktopp = 1,
ktops = 1,
kbots = 1,
Bottom boundary l,m,S:
0 0 9.615385E-01 0.000000E+00
Top boundary l,m,S:
0 0 -3.846154E-02 0.000000E+00
impS = 0,
nVarCond = 2,
con_DecRate = 9.000000E+00,
con_RadRatio = 8.000000E-01,
con_LambdaMatch = 5.000000E-01,
con_LambdaOut = 1.000000E-01,
con_FuncWidth = 2.500000E-01,
r_LCR = 2.000000E+00,
difExp = -5.000000E-01,
nVarDiff = 0,
nVarVisc = 0,
nVarEps = 0,
n_imp = 0,
l_imp = 1,
rrMP = 0.000000E+00,
amp_imp = 0.000000E+00,
expo_imp = 0.000000E+00,
bmax_imp = 0.000000E+00,
l_curr = F,
amp_curr = 0.000000E+00,
l_start_file = F,
start_file = "rst_end.tag",
inform = -1,
l_reset_t = F,
scale_s = 1.000000E+00,
scale_xi = 1.000000E+00,
scale_b = 1.000000E+00,
scale_v = 1.000000E+00,
tipdipole = 0.000000E+00,
init_s1 = 505,
init_s2 = 0,
init_v1 = 0,
init_b1 = 3,
init_xi1 = 0,
init_xi2 = 0,
imagcon = 0,
amp_s1 = 1.000000E-01,
amp_s2 = 0.000000E+00,
amp_v1 = 0.000000E+00,
amp_b1 = 5.000000E+00,
amp_xi1 = 0.000000E+00,
amp_xi2 = 0.000000E+00,
n_graph_step = 0,
n_graphs = 0,
t_graph_start = 0.000000E+00,
t_graph_stop = 0.000000E+00,
dt_graph = 0.000000E+00,
n_rst_step = 0,
n_rsts = 1,
t_rst_start = 0.000000E+00,
t_rst_stop = 0.000000E+00,
dt_rst = 0.000000E+00,
n_stores = 1,
n_log_step = 10,
n_logs = 0,
t_log_start = 0.000000E+00,
t_log_stop = 0.000000E+00,
dt_log = 0.000000E+00,
n_spec_step = 0,
n_specs = 1,
t_spec_start = 0.000000E+00,
t_spec_stop = 0.000000E+00,
dt_spec = 0.000000E+00,
n_cmb_step = 50,
n_cmbs = 0,
t_cmb_start = 0.000000E+00,
t_cmb_stop = 0.000000E+00,
dt_cmb = 0.000000E+00,
n_r_field_step = 0,
n_r_fields = 0,
t_r_field_start = 0.000000E+00,
t_r_field_stop = 0.000000E+00,
dt_r_field = 0.000000E+00,
l_movie = T,
n_movie_step = 100,
n_movie_frames = 0,
t_movie_start = 0.000000E+00,
t_movie_stop = 0.000000E+00,
dt_movie = 0.000000E+00,
movie = FL,
movie = SL,
movie = Br SUR,
l_probe = F,
n_probe_step = 0,
n_probe_out = 0,
t_probe_start = 0.000000E+00,
t_probe_stop = 0.000000E+00,
dt_probe = 0.000000E+00,
r_probe = 0.000000E+00,
theta_probe = 0.000000E+00,
n_phi_probes = 0,
l_average = F,
l_cmb_field = T,
l_dt_cmb_field = F,
l_save_out = F,
l_true_time = F,
lVerbose = F,
l_rMagSpec = T,
l_DTrMagSpec = T,
l_max_cmb = 14,
l_r_field = T,
l_r_fieldT = F,
l_max_r = 32,
n_r_step = 2,
n_coeff_r = 2,
n_coeff_r = 4,
n_coeff_r = 6,
n_coeff_r = 8,
n_coeff_r = 10,
l_earth_likeness= F,
l_max_comp = 8,
l_hel = T,
l_AM = T,
l_power = F,
l_viscBcCalc = F,
l_fluxProfs = F,
l_perpPar = F,
l_PressGraph = T,
l_energy_modes = F,
m_max_modes = 14,
l_drift = F,
l_iner = F,
l_TO = F,
l_TOmovie = F,
l_PV = T,
l_storeBpot = F,
l_storeVpot = F,
l_RMS = F,
l_par = F,
l_corrMov = F,
rCut = 0.000000E+00,
rDea = 0.000000E+00,
conductance_ma = 0.000000E+00,
rho_ratio_ma = 1.000000E+00,
nRotMa = 0,
omega_ma1 = 0.000000E+00,
omegaOsz_ma1 = 0.000000E+00,
tShift_ma1 = 0.000000E+00,
omega_ma2 = 0.000000E+00,
omegaOsz_ma2 = 0.000000E+00,
tShift_ma2 = 0.000000E+00,
amp_RiMaAsym = 0.000000E+00,
omega_RiMaAsym = 0.000000E+00,
m_RiMaAsym = 0,
amp_RiMaSym = 0.000000E+00,
omega_RiMaSym = 0.000000E+00,
m_RiMaSym = 0,
sigma_ratio = 1.000000E+00,
rho_ratio_ic = 1.000000E+00,
nRotIc = 0,
omega_ic1 = 0.000000E+00,
omegaOsz_ic1 = 0.000000E+00,
tShift_ic1 = 0.000000E+00,
omega_ic2 = 0.000000E+00,
omegaOsz_ic2 = 0.000000E+00,
tShift_ic2 = 0.000000E+00,
BIC = 0.000000E+00,
amp_RiIcAsym = 0.000000E+00,
omega_RiIcAsym = 0.000000E+00,
m_RiIcAsym = 0,
amp_RiIcSym = 0.000000E+00,
omega_RiIcSym = 0.000000E+00,
m_RiIcSym = 0,

! Using dtMax time step: 5.000000E-06

! Entropy initialized at mode: l= 5 m= 5 Ampl= 0.10000
! Only l=m=0 comp. in tops:

! Self consistent dynamo integration.
! Normalized OC moment of inertia: 7.379734E+00
! Normalized IC moment of inertia: 4.447778E-03
! Normalized MA moment of inertia: 2.941732E+02
! Normalized IC volume : 6.544985E-02
! Normalized OC volume : 8.115781E+00
! Normalized IC surface : 7.853982E-01
! Normalized OC surface : 1.963495E+01

! Grid parameters:
n_r_max = 49 = number of radial grid points
n_cheb_max = 47
max cheb deg.= 46
n_phi_max = 96 = no of longitude grid points
n_theta_max = 48 = no of latitude grid points
n_r_ic_max = 17 = number of radial grid points in IC
n_cheb_ic_max= 14
max cheb deg = 28
l_max = 32 = max degree of Plm
m_max = 32 = max oder of Plm
lm_max = 561 = no of l/m combinations
minc = 1 = longitude symmetry wave no
nalias = 20 = spher. harm. deal. factor

start_time = 0.0000000000E+00
step no = 0
start dt = 5.0000E-06
start dtNew= 5.0000E-06

! Starting time integration!

! WRITING MOVIE FRAME NO 1 at time/step 0.000000E+00 1
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 000000000072B253 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libpthread-2.28.s 00007FCDB95E1DD0 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000537090 geos_mod_mp_outpv 767 outGeos.f90
magic.exe 0000000000598651 output_mod_mp_out 1021 output.f90
magic.exe 000000000067D6C7 step_time_mod_mp_ 1084 step_time.f90
magic.exe 0000000000407DEC MAIN__ 367 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007FCDB927C09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
I found that error would happened when I set "&grid" as this sample. When I copy these "&grid" parameters to other samples, the error will also happen.
My system is Ubuntu18.10 but I meet same problem in Ubuntu18.04 and Ubuntu16.04. Should I change my environment or do other adjustment?

From what it seems it doesn't seem to come from the grid namelist but rather from an output in outGeos.f90. Could you please compile the code using the debug flags and rerun this case since I can't reproduce the error?

From what it seems it doesn't seem to come from the grid namelist but rather from an output in outGeos.f90. Could you please compile the code using the debug flags and rerun this case since I can't reproduce the error?

Thank you for your respond. I use these commands to open the debug flags and the output is as listed:
export FC=mpiifort
export CC=mpiicc
cmake .. -DUSE_OMP=no -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
-- The C compiler identification is Intel -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 8.2.0 -- Check for working C compiler: /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.0.117/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpiicc -- Check for working C compiler: /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.0.117/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpiicc -- works -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- The Fortran compiler identification is Intel -- Check for working Fortran compiler: /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.0.117/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpiifort -- Check for working Fortran compiler: /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.0.117/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpiifort -- works -- Detecting Fortran compiler ABI info -- Detecting Fortran compiler ABI info - done -- Checking whether /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.0.117/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpiifort supports Fortran 90 -- Checking whether /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.0.117/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpiifort supports Fortran 90 -- yes -- Set architecture to '64' -- Set precision to 'dble' -- Set output precision to 'sngl' -- Use MPI -- No OpenMP -- MKL was found: /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.0.117/linux/mkl -- Use 'MKL' for the FFTs -- Use 'MKL' for the LU factorisations -- FFTW3: '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/' -- Use SHTNS: no -- Compilation flags: -stand f08 -diag-disable 7025 -g -traceback -convert big -fpp -- Optimisation flags: -O0 -check all -warn all,nointerfaces -fpe0 -fp-stack-check -ftrapuv -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /mnt/magic/magic/debug

make -j
Scanning dependencies of target lapack95 [ 1%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/lapack95.dir/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.0.117/linux/mkl/include/lapack.f90.o /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2019.0.117/linux/mkl/include/lapack.f90(14282): warning #5268: Extension to standard: The text exceeds right hand column allowed on the line. ! CUNCSD(JOBU1,JOBU2,JOBV1T,JOBV2T,TRANS,SIGNS,M,P,Q,X11,LDX11,X12,LDX12,X21,LDX21,X22,LDX22,THETA,U1,LDU1,U2,LDU2,V1T,LDV1T,V2T,LDV2T,WORK,LWORK,RWORK,LRWORK,IWORK,INFO) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ [ 2%] Linking Fortran static library liblapack95.a [ 2%] Built target lapack95 Scanning dependencies of target magic.exe [ 3%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/cutils_iface.f90.o [ 4%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/mpimod.f90.o [ 5%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/logic.f90.o [ 6%] Building C object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/c_utils.c.o [ 7%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/parallel.f90.o [ 8%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/precision_mod.f90.o [ 9%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/timing.f90.o [ 10%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/char_manip.f90.o [ 11%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/algebra_mkl.f90.o [ 12%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/output_data.f90.o [ 13%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/rIteration.f90.o [ 14%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/phys_param.f90.o [ 15%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/radial_scheme.f90.o [ 17%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/debugging.f90.o [ 17%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/constants.f90.o /mnt/magic/magic/src/algebra_mkl.f90(35): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [NRHSS] subroutine cgeslML(a,len_a,n,pivot,rhs,nRHSs) ------------------------------------------^ /mnt/magic/magic/src/radial_scheme.f90(113): warning #6843: A dummy argument with an explicit INTENT(OUT) declaration is not given an explicit value. [F2] subroutine costf1_real(this,f,n_f_max,n_f_start,n_f_stop,f2) ------------------------------------------------------------^ /mnt/magic/magic/src/radial_scheme.f90(135): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [F] subroutine costf1_complex_1d(this,f) -------------------------------------^ /mnt/magic/magic/src/radial_scheme.f90(127): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [F] subroutine costf1_real_1d(this,f) ----------------------------------^ /mnt/magic/magic/src/radial_scheme.f90(113): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [F] subroutine costf1_real(this,f,n_f_max,n_f_start,n_f_stop,f2) -------------------------------^ /mnt/magic/magic/src/radial_scheme.f90(99): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [F] subroutine costf1_complex(this,f,n_f_max,n_f_start,n_f_stop,work_array) ----------------------------------^ /mnt/magic/magic/src/radial_scheme.f90(113): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [N_F_START] subroutine costf1_real(this,f,n_f_max,n_f_start,n_f_stop,f2) -----------------------------------------^ /mnt/magic/magic/src/radial_scheme.f90(99): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [N_F_START] subroutine costf1_complex(this,f,n_f_max,n_f_start,n_f_stop,work_array) --------------------------------------------^ /mnt/magic/magic/src/radial_scheme.f90(113): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [N_F_STOP] subroutine costf1_real(this,f,n_f_max,n_f_start,n_f_stop,f2) ---------------------------------------------------^ /mnt/magic/magic/src/radial_scheme.f90(99): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [N_F_STOP] subroutine costf1_complex(this,f,n_f_max,n_f_start,n_f_stop,work_array) ------------------------------------------------------^ /mnt/magic/magic/src/radial_scheme.f90(113): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [F2] subroutine costf1_real(this,f,n_f_max,n_f_start,n_f_stop,f2) ------------------------------------------------------------^ [ 18%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/fft_fac.f90.o [ 20%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/mem_alloc.f90.o [ 20%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/useful.f90.o [ 21%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/truncation.f90.o [ 22%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/plms.f90.o [ 23%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/finite_differences.f90.o [ 24%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/special.f90.o [ 25%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/dtB_arrays.f90.o [ 26%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/LMmapping.f90.o [ 27%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/num_param.f90.o [ 28%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/radial_data.f90.o [ 29%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/TO_arrays.f90.o [ 30%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/chebyshev_polynoms.f90.o [ 31%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/blocking.f90.o [ 32%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/cosine_transform_odd.f90.o [ 33%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/cosine_transform_even.f90.o [ 34%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/radial_derivatives_even.f90.o [ 35%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/LMLoop_data.f90.o [ 36%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/fft_mkl.f90.o [ 37%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/radial_derivatives.f90.o [ 38%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/integration.f90.o [ 39%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/chebyshev.f90.o [ 40%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/fields.f90.o [ 41%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/dt_fieldsLast.f90.o [ 42%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/communications.f90.o /mnt/magic/magic/src/communications.f90(85): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [LB_MARKER] integer(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: lb_marker, myextent, true_lb, true_extent ----------------------------------------^ /mnt/magic/magic/src/communications.f90(85): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [MYEXTENT] integer(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: lb_marker, myextent, true_lb, true_extent ---------------------------------------------------^ /mnt/magic/magic/src/communications.f90(85): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [TRUE_LB] integer(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: lb_marker, myextent, true_lb, true_extent -------------------------------------------------------------^ /mnt/magic/magic/src/communications.f90(85): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [TRUE_EXTENT] integer(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: lb_marker, myextent, true_lb, true_extent ----------------------------------------------------------------------^ [ 43%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/chebInt.f90.o [ 44%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/radial.f90.o [ 45%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/out_coeff.f90.o [ 46%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/horizontal.f90.o [ 47%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/outOmega.f90.o [ 48%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/kinetic_energy.f90.o [ 49%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/outRot.f90.o [ 50%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/RMS_helpers.f90.o [ 52%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/legendre_grid_to_spec.f90.o [ 53%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/probes.f90.o [ 53%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/radial_spectra.f90.o [ 54%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/courant.f90.o [ 55%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/movie.f90.o [ 56%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/TO_helpers.f90.o [ 57%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/spectra.f90.o [ 58%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/getDlm.f90.o [ 59%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/get_nl.f90.o [ 60%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/outGeos.f90.o [ 61%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/magnetic_energy.f90.o [ 62%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/TO.f90.o [ 63%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/init_fields.f90.o [ 64%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/dtB.f90.o [ 65%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/nonlinear_bcs.f90.o [ 66%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/nl_special_calc.f90.o [ 67%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/out_TO.f90.o [ 68%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/legendre_helpers.f90.o [ 69%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/legendre_spec_to_grid.f90.o [ 70%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/out_dtB_frame.f90.o [ 71%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/RMS.f90.o [ 72%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/out_movie_file.f90.o [ 73%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/updateWP.f90.o [ 74%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/get_td.f90.o [ 75%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/updateZ.f90.o [ 76%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/storeCheckPoints.f90.o [ 77%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/updateS.f90.o [ 78%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/updateB.f90.o [ 80%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/updateWPS.f90.o [ 80%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/updateXI.f90.o [ 81%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/Namelists.f90.o [ 82%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/updateWPT.f90.o [ 83%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/readCheckPoints.f90.o [ 84%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/preCalculations.f90.o [ 85%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/store_movie_IC.f90.o [ 86%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/power.f90.o [ 88%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/out_graph_file.f90.o [ 88%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/outPar.f90.o /mnt/magic/magic/src/out_graph_file.f90(620): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [N_R] subroutine graphOut_mpi_header(time,n_r,n_theta_start,n_theta_block_size) ---------------------------------------^ /mnt/magic/magic/src/out_graph_file.f90(620): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [N_THETA_START] subroutine graphOut_mpi_header(time,n_r,n_theta_start,n_theta_block_size) -------------------------------------------^ /mnt/magic/magic/src/out_graph_file.f90(989): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [N_THETA] integer :: n_theta -----------------^ [ 89%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/fields_average.f90.o [ 90%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/rIterThetaBlocking.f90.o /mnt/magic/magic/src/rIterThetaBlocking.f90(274): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [NTHETASTOP] subroutine transform_to_lm_space(this,nThetaStart,nThetaStop,gsa,nl_lm) -----------------------------------------------------^ /mnt/magic/magic/src/rIterThetaBlocking.f90(105): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [NTHETASTOP] subroutine transform_to_grid_space(this,nThetaStart,nThetaStop,gsa,time) -------------------------------------------------------^ [ 91%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/startFields.f90.o [ 92%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/outMisc.f90.o [ 93%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/rIterThetaBlocking_seq.f90.o [ 94%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/rIterThetaBlocking_OpenMP.f90.o /mnt/magic/magic/src/rIterThetaBlocking_seq.f90(53): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [THIS] function getThisType(this) ------------------------^ /mnt/magic/magic/src/rIterThetaBlocking_OpenMP.f90(58): remark #7712: This variable has not been used. [THIS] function getThisType(this) ------------------------^ [ 95%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/LMLoop.f90.o [ 96%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/output.f90.o [ 97%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/radialLoop.f90.o [ 98%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/step_time.f90.o [ 99%] Building Fortran object src/CMakeFiles/magic.exe.dir/magic.f90.o [100%] Linking Fortran executable ../magic.exe [100%] Built target magic.exe

mpiexec -n 1 ./magic.exe input.nml
` !--- Program MagIC 5.6 ---!
! Start time:
2018/11/12 22:49:46
! Reading grid parameters!
! Reading control parameters!
! Reading physical parameters!
! Reading start information!
! Reading output information!
! Reading inner core information!
! Reading mantle information!
! Reading B external parameters!
! No B_external namelist found!
0: lmStartB= 1, lmStopB= 561
Using snake ordering.
1 1 561 561
rank no 0 has l1m0 in block 1
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array LM2 is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ST_MAP is 33

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 00000000004FF411 blocking_mp_initi 230 blocking.f90
magic.exe 0000000000408605 MAIN__ 250 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array LM2 is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ST_MAP is 33

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 00000000004FF56D blocking_mp_initi 230 blocking.f90
magic.exe 0000000000408605 MAIN__ 250 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array LMP2 is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ST_MAP is 34

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 00000000005014CD blocking_mp_initi 237 blocking.f90
magic.exe 0000000000408605 MAIN__ 250 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array LMP2 is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ST_MAP is 34

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000050162F blocking_mp_initi 237 blocking.f90
magic.exe 0000000000408605 MAIN__ 250 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array SIZELMB2 is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ST_SUB_MAP is 1

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 00000000005038D8 blocking_mp_initi 260 blocking.f90
magic.exe 0000000000408605 MAIN__ 250 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array SIZELMB2 is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ST_SUB_MAP is 33

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000503A46 blocking_mp_initi 260 blocking.f90
magic.exe 0000000000408605 MAIN__ 250 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 3 of array LM22LM is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ST_SUB_MAP is 1

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000504303 blocking_mp_initi 261 blocking.f90
magic.exe 0000000000408605 MAIN__ 250 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array LM22LM is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ST_SUB_MAP is 33

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 00000000005044C2 blocking_mp_initi 261 blocking.f90
magic.exe 0000000000408605 MAIN__ 250 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array LM22LM is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ST_SUB_MAP is 33

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000504630 blocking_mp_initi 261 blocking.f90
magic.exe 0000000000408605 MAIN__ 250 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 3 of array LM22L is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ST_SUB_MAP is 1

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000504F08 blocking_mp_initi 262 blocking.f90
magic.exe 0000000000408605 MAIN__ 250 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array LM22L is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ST_SUB_MAP is 33

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 00000000005050C7 blocking_mp_initi 262 blocking.f90
magic.exe 0000000000408605 MAIN__ 250 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array LM22L is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ST_SUB_MAP is 33

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000505235 blocking_mp_initi 262 blocking.f90
magic.exe 0000000000408605 MAIN__ 250 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 3 of array LM22M is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ST_SUB_MAP is 1

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000505B0D blocking_mp_initi 263 blocking.f90
magic.exe 0000000000408605 MAIN__ 250 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array LM22M is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ST_SUB_MAP is 33

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000505CCC blocking_mp_initi 263 blocking.f90
magic.exe 0000000000408605 MAIN__ 250 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array LM22M is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ST_SUB_MAP is 33

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000505E3A blocking_mp_initi 263 blocking.f90
magic.exe 0000000000408605 MAIN__ 250 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
!-- Blocking information:

! Number of LM-blocks: 1
! Size of LM-blocks: 561
! nThreads: 1

! Number of theta blocks: 12
! size of theta blocks: 4
! ideal size (nfs): 4
Using rIteration type: rIterThetaBlocking_seq_t

! This is an anelastic model
! You use entropy and pressure as thermodynamic variables
! You use entropy diffusion
! You solve two small matrices
! The key parameters are the following
! DissNb = 1.081202E+00
! ThExpNb= 1.000000E+00
! GrunNb = 5.000000E-01
! N_rho = 1.000000E+00
! pol_ind= 2.000000E+00

! Const. entropy at outer boundary S = -3.846154E-02
! Const. entropy at inner boundary S = 9.615385E-01
! Total vol. buoy. source = 0.000000E+00
-----> rank 0 has 103321356 B allocated

n_r_max = 49,
n_cheb_max = 47,
n_phi_tot = 96,
n_theta_axi = 0,
n_r_ic_max = 17,
n_cheb_ic_max = 15,
minc = 1,
nalias = 20,
l_axi = F,
fd_stretch = 3.000000E-01,
fd_ratio = 1.000000E-01,
fd_order = 2,
fd_order_bound = 2,
mode = 0,
tag = "test",
n_time_steps = 500,
n_tScale = 0,
n_lScale = 0,
alpha = 6.000000E-01,
enscale = 1.000000E+00,
l_update_v = T,
l_update_b = T,
l_update_s = T,
l_update_xi = T,
l_newmap = F,
map_function = "ARCSIN",
alph1 = 8.000000E-01,
alph2 = 0.000000E+00,
dtstart = 0.000000E+00,
dtMax = 5.000000E-06,
courfac = 2.500000E+00,
alffac = 1.000000E+00,
l_cour_alf_damp = T,
intfac = 1.500000E-01,
n_cour_step = 6,
difnu = 0.000000E+00,
difeta = 0.000000E+00,
difkap = 0.000000E+00,
difchem = 0.000000E+00,
ldif = 1,
ldifexp = -1,
l_correct_AMe = T,
l_correct_AMz = T,
l_non_rot = F,
l_runTimeLimit = T,
runHours = 0,
runMinutes = 50,
runSeconds = 0,
tEND = 0.000000E+00,
radial_scheme = "CHEB",
polo_flow_eq = "WP",
anelastic_flavour= "NONE",
thermo_variable = "NONE",
ra = 1.500000E+07,
raxi = 0.000000E+00,
pr = 1.000000E+00,
sc = 1.000000E+01,
prmag = 1.000000E+00,
ek = 1.000000E-04,
po = 0.000000E+00,
prec_angle = 2.350000E+01,
po_diff = 0.000000E+00,
diff_prec_angle = 2.350000E+01,
epsc0 = 0.000000E+00,
epscxi0 = 0.000000E+00,
DissNb = 1.081202E+00,
strat = 1.000000E+00,
polind = 2.000000E+00,
ThExpNb = 1.000000E+00,
epsS = 0.000000E+00,
cmbHflux = 0.000000E+00,
slopeStrat = 2.000000E+01,
rStrat = 1.300000E+00,
ampStrat = 1.000000E+01,
thickStrat = 1.000000E-01,
nVarEntropyGrad = 0,
radratio = 2.000000E-01,
l_isothermal = F,
interior_model = "NONE",
g0 = 0.000000E+00,
g1 = 1.000000E+00,
g2 = 0.000000E+00,
ktopv = 1,
kbotv = 2,
ktopb = 1,
kbotb = 3,
ktopp = 1,
ktops = 1,
kbots = 1,
Bottom boundary l,m,S:
0 0 9.615385E-01 0.000000E+00
Top boundary l,m,S:
0 0 -3.846154E-02 0.000000E+00
impS = 0,
nVarCond = 2,
con_DecRate = 9.000000E+00,
con_RadRatio = 8.000000E-01,
con_LambdaMatch = 5.000000E-01,
con_LambdaOut = 1.000000E-01,
con_FuncWidth = 2.500000E-01,
r_LCR = 2.000000E+00,
difExp = -5.000000E-01,
nVarDiff = 0,
nVarVisc = 0,
nVarEps = 0,
n_imp = 0,
l_imp = 1,
rrMP = 0.000000E+00,
amp_imp = 0.000000E+00,
expo_imp = 0.000000E+00,
bmax_imp = 0.000000E+00,
l_curr = F,
amp_curr = 0.000000E+00,
l_start_file = F,
start_file = "rst_end.tag",
inform = -1,
l_reset_t = F,
scale_s = 1.000000E+00,
scale_xi = 1.000000E+00,
scale_b = 1.000000E+00,
scale_v = 1.000000E+00,
tipdipole = 0.000000E+00,
init_s1 = 505,
init_s2 = 0,
init_v1 = 0,
init_b1 = 3,
init_xi1 = 0,
init_xi2 = 0,
imagcon = 0,
amp_s1 = 1.000000E-01,
amp_s2 = 0.000000E+00,
amp_v1 = 0.000000E+00,
amp_b1 = 5.000000E+00,
amp_xi1 = 0.000000E+00,
amp_xi2 = 0.000000E+00,
n_graph_step = 0,
n_graphs = 0,
t_graph_start = 0.000000E+00,
t_graph_stop = 0.000000E+00,
dt_graph = 0.000000E+00,
n_rst_step = 0,
n_rsts = 1,
t_rst_start = 0.000000E+00,
t_rst_stop = 0.000000E+00,
dt_rst = 0.000000E+00,
n_stores = 1,
n_log_step = 10,
n_logs = 0,
t_log_start = 0.000000E+00,
t_log_stop = 0.000000E+00,
dt_log = 0.000000E+00,
n_spec_step = 0,
n_specs = 1,
t_spec_start = 0.000000E+00,
t_spec_stop = 0.000000E+00,
dt_spec = 0.000000E+00,
n_cmb_step = 50,
n_cmbs = 0,
t_cmb_start = 0.000000E+00,
t_cmb_stop = 0.000000E+00,
dt_cmb = 0.000000E+00,
n_r_field_step = 0,
n_r_fields = 0,
t_r_field_start = 0.000000E+00,
t_r_field_stop = 0.000000E+00,
dt_r_field = 0.000000E+00,
l_movie = T,
n_movie_step = 100,
n_movie_frames = 0,
t_movie_start = 0.000000E+00,
t_movie_stop = 0.000000E+00,
dt_movie = 0.000000E+00,
movie = FL,
movie = SL,
movie = Br SUR,
l_probe = F,
n_probe_step = 0,
n_probe_out = 0,
t_probe_start = 0.000000E+00,
t_probe_stop = 0.000000E+00,
dt_probe = 0.000000E+00,
r_probe = 0.000000E+00,
theta_probe = 0.000000E+00,
n_phi_probes = 0,
l_average = F,
l_cmb_field = T,
l_dt_cmb_field = F,
l_save_out = F,
l_true_time = F,
lVerbose = F,
l_rMagSpec = T,
l_DTrMagSpec = T,
l_max_cmb = 14,
l_r_field = T,
l_r_fieldT = F,
l_max_r = 32,
n_r_step = 2,
n_coeff_r = 2,
n_coeff_r = 4,
n_coeff_r = 6,
n_coeff_r = 8,
n_coeff_r = 10,
l_earth_likeness= F,
l_max_comp = 8,
l_hel = T,
l_AM = T,
l_power = F,
l_viscBcCalc = F,
l_fluxProfs = F,
l_perpPar = F,
l_PressGraph = T,
l_energy_modes = F,
m_max_modes = 14,
l_drift = F,
l_iner = F,
l_TO = F,
l_TOmovie = F,
l_PV = T,
l_storeBpot = F,
l_storeVpot = F,
l_RMS = F,
l_par = F,
l_corrMov = F,
rCut = 0.000000E+00,
rDea = 0.000000E+00,
conductance_ma = 0.000000E+00,
rho_ratio_ma = 1.000000E+00,
nRotMa = 0,
omega_ma1 = 0.000000E+00,
omegaOsz_ma1 = 0.000000E+00,
tShift_ma1 = 0.000000E+00,
omega_ma2 = 0.000000E+00,
omegaOsz_ma2 = 0.000000E+00,
tShift_ma2 = 0.000000E+00,
amp_RiMaAsym = 0.000000E+00,
omega_RiMaAsym = 0.000000E+00,
m_RiMaAsym = 0,
amp_RiMaSym = 0.000000E+00,
omega_RiMaSym = 0.000000E+00,
m_RiMaSym = 0,
sigma_ratio = 1.000000E+00,
rho_ratio_ic = 1.000000E+00,
nRotIc = 0,
omega_ic1 = 0.000000E+00,
omegaOsz_ic1 = 0.000000E+00,
tShift_ic1 = 0.000000E+00,
omega_ic2 = 0.000000E+00,
omegaOsz_ic2 = 0.000000E+00,
tShift_ic2 = 0.000000E+00,
BIC = 0.000000E+00,
amp_RiIcAsym = 0.000000E+00,
omega_RiIcAsym = 0.000000E+00,
m_RiIcAsym = 0,
amp_RiIcSym = 0.000000E+00,
omega_RiIcSym = 0.000000E+00,
m_RiIcSym = 0,

! Using dtMax time step: 5.000000E-06

! Entropy initialized at mode: l= 5 m= 5 Ampl= 0.10000
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 49

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E625 chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105AB47 radial_der_mp_get 451 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 00000000011936D5 start_fields_mp_g 309 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 561

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E7CC chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105AB47 radial_der_mp_get 451 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 00000000011936D5 start_fields_mp_g 309 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 49

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E625 chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105AEC4 radial_der_mp_get 458 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 00000000011936D5 start_fields_mp_g 309 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 561

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E7CC chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105AEC4 radial_der_mp_get 458 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 00000000011936D5 start_fields_mp_g 309 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 49

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E625 chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105B084 radial_der_mp_get 459 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 00000000011936D5 start_fields_mp_g 309 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 561

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E7CC chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105B084 radial_der_mp_get 459 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 00000000011936D5 start_fields_mp_g 309 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 49

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E625 chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 0000000001054AE9 radial_der_mp_get 347 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 0000000001194A0E start_fields_mp_g 311 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 561

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E7CC chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 0000000001054AE9 radial_der_mp_get 347 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 0000000001194A0E start_fields_mp_g 311 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 49

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E625 chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 0000000001054E46 radial_der_mp_get 354 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 0000000001194A0E start_fields_mp_g 311 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 561

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E7CC chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 0000000001054E46 radial_der_mp_get 354 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 0000000001194A0E start_fields_mp_g 311 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 49

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E625 chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105AB47 radial_der_mp_get 451 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 0000000001195F83 start_fields_mp_g 316 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 561

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E7CC chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105AB47 radial_der_mp_get 451 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 0000000001195F83 start_fields_mp_g 316 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 49

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E625 chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105AEC4 radial_der_mp_get 458 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 0000000001195F83 start_fields_mp_g 316 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 561

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E7CC chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105AEC4 radial_der_mp_get 458 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 0000000001195F83 start_fields_mp_g 316 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 49

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E625 chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105B084 radial_der_mp_get 459 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 0000000001195F83 start_fields_mp_g 316 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 561

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E7CC chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105B084 radial_der_mp_get 459 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 0000000001195F83 start_fields_mp_g 316 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 49

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E625 chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105AB47 radial_der_mp_get 451 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 000000000119765E start_fields_mp_g 319 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 561

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E7CC chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105AB47 radial_der_mp_get 451 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 000000000119765E start_fields_mp_g 319 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 49

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E625 chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105AEC4 radial_der_mp_get 458 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 000000000119765E start_fields_mp_g 319 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 561

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E7CC chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105AEC4 radial_der_mp_get 458 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 000000000119765E start_fields_mp_g 319 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 49

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E625 chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105B084 radial_der_mp_get 459 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 000000000119765E start_fields_mp_g 319 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 561

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E7CC chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 000000000105B084 radial_der_mp_get 459 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 000000000119765E start_fields_mp_g 319 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 49

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E625 chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 0000000001054AE9 radial_der_mp_get 347 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 000000000119D670 start_fields_mp_g 361 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 561

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E7CC chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 0000000001054AE9 radial_der_mp_get 347 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 000000000119D670 start_fields_mp_g 361 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 49

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E625 chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 0000000001054E46 radial_der_mp_get 354 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 000000000119D670 start_fields_mp_g 361 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array WORK is 0 and the corresponding extent of array THIS is 561

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 000000000055E7CC chebyshev_mp_cost 282 chebyshev.f90
magic.exe 0000000001054E46 radial_der_mp_get 354 radial_derivatives.f90
magic.exe 000000000119D670 start_fields_mp_g 361 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
! Only l=m=0 comp. in tops:
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 3 of array SELF is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ARR_RLOC is 2

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000588E37 communications_mp 865 communications.f90
magic.exe 00000000011A67D8 start_fields_mp_g 495 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array SELF is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ARR_RLOC is 49

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000589074 communications_mp 865 communications.f90
magic.exe 00000000011A67D8 start_fields_mp_g 495 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array SELF is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ARR_RLOC is 561

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000589237 communications_mp 865 communications.f90
magic.exe 00000000011A67D8 start_fields_mp_g 495 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 3 of array SELF is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ARR_RLOC is 7

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000588E37 communications_mp 865 communications.f90
magic.exe 00000000011A6A68 start_fields_mp_g 501 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array SELF is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ARR_RLOC is 49

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000589074 communications_mp 865 communications.f90
magic.exe 00000000011A6A68 start_fields_mp_g 501 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array SELF is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ARR_RLOC is 561

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000589237 communications_mp 865 communications.f90
magic.exe 00000000011A6A68 start_fields_mp_g 501 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 3 of array SELF is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ARR_RLOC is 5

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000588E37 communications_mp 865 communications.f90
magic.exe 00000000011A6BAD start_fields_mp_g 505 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array SELF is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ARR_RLOC is 49

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000589074 communications_mp 865 communications.f90
magic.exe 00000000011A6BAD start_fields_mp_g 505 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array SELF is 0 and the corresponding extent of array ARR_RLOC is 561

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000589237 communications_mp 865 communications.f90
magic.exe 00000000011A6BAD start_fields_mp_g 505 startFields.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409258 MAIN__ 327 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown

! Self consistent dynamo integration.
! Normalized OC moment of inertia: 7.379734E+00
! Normalized IC moment of inertia: 4.447778E-03
! Normalized MA moment of inertia: 2.941732E+02
! Normalized IC volume : 6.544985E-02
! Normalized OC volume : 8.115781E+00
! Normalized IC surface : 7.853982E-01
! Normalized OC surface : 1.963495E+01

! Grid parameters:
n_r_max = 49 = number of radial grid points
n_cheb_max = 47
max cheb deg.= 46
n_phi_max = 96 = no of longitude grid points
n_theta_max = 48 = no of latitude grid points
n_r_ic_max = 17 = number of radial grid points in IC
n_cheb_ic_max= 14
max cheb deg = 28
l_max = 32 = max degree of Plm
m_max = 32 = max oder of Plm
lm_max = 561 = no of l/m combinations
minc = 1 = longitude symmetry wave no
nalias = 20 = spher. harm. deal. factor

start_time = 0.0000000000E+00
step no = 0
start dt = 5.0000E-06
start dtNew= 5.0000E-06

! Starting time integration!
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 2 of array LM2 is 0 and the corresponding extent of array LO_MAP is 33

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000C05FA5 outrot_mp_write_r 171 outRot.f90
magic.exe 0000000000D9967E output_mod_mp_out 427 output.f90
magic.exe 00000000011EE203 step_time_mod_mp_ 1084 step_time.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409CA7 MAIN__ 367 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown
forrtl: warning (406): fort: (33): Shape mismatch: The extent of dimension 1 of array LM2 is 0 and the corresponding extent of array LO_MAP is 33

Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015E7976 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000C060F1 outrot_mp_write_r 171 outRot.f90
magic.exe 0000000000D9967E output_mod_mp_out 427 output.f90
magic.exe 00000000011EE203 step_time_mod_mp_ 1084 step_time.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409CA7 MAIN__ 367 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown

! WRITING MOVIE FRAME NO 1 at time/step 0.000000E+00 1
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Image PC Routine Line Source
magic.exe 00000000015EF953 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libpthread-2.28.s 00007F10A43C0DD0 Unknown Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000B4BC5C geos_mod_mp_outpv 769 outGeos.f90
magic.exe 0000000000DCCD32 output_mod_mp_out 1021 output.f90
magic.exe 00000000011EE203 step_time_mod_mp_ 1084 step_time.f90
magic.exe 0000000000409CA7 MAIN__ 367 magic.f90
magic.exe 0000000000406B22 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F10A405B09B __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
magic.exe 0000000000406A2A Unknown Unknown Unknown`

I'm not sure but it might be an intel compiler problem. Could you try with the GNU compiler instead to check?

I'm not sure but it might be an intel compiler problem. Could you try with the GNU compiler instead to check?

Yes, if I change to compile the code by GNU complier with JW library and MPICH,it would be fine to run this sample.But in this case, I can't use MKL library which would cause a compilation errors though it doesn't affect the computing efficiency.

Thank you very much for your help!

Maybe you could try another version of the intel compiler then? I never tried compiling and running MagIC with intel 19, so there might be some specific issues with this compiler version.

Maybe you could try another version of the intel compiler then? I never tried compiling and running MagIC with intel 19, so there might be some specific issues with this compiler version.

Thank you very much.I'll try it.