- 20
- 2
- 1
- 0
angular momentum correction with SBDF3
#46 opened by tgastine - 0
Input statement requires too much data, unit 10, error when running the auto-tests 'Test coeff outputs'
#31 opened by dunyuliu - 0
- 4
The moon's gravity?
#41 opened by CuspXiao - 1
dtVrms with FD
#40 opened by tgastine - 1
- 1
l_LCR + finite differences
#38 opened by tgastine - 1
Issue using l_true_time in input.nml file
#37 opened by ABruneel04 - 2
add topics
#36 opened by Beliavsky - 1
- 4
Unknown error when running program
#33 opened by willwcodes - 6
Fortran Libs not importing properly
#32 opened by willwcodes - 1
omega_ic=0 first line of rot.TAG
#26 opened by tgastine - 0
- 2
updateZ + l10 + get_rot_rates
#27 opened by tgastine - 1
update Z + precession
#28 opened by tgastine - 1
output.f90 + debug flags
#29 opened by tgastine - 1
parR.TAG has redundant columns
#25 opened by tgastine - 1
phi-slice movies
#3 opened by tgastine - 1
Finite difference + inner core
#24 opened by tgastine - 3
problem with concatenation in MagicTs
#23 opened by lakecity - 1
Questions about nRotIC
#22 opened by JWDei - 2
A question about Poincaré number
#20 opened by JWDei - 1
The unit of omega_ic
#21 opened by JWDei - 1
viscous torque
#5 opened by tgastine - 1
Crank Nicolson when starting from zero
#9 opened by tgastine - 4
MagicCoeffCmb does not work with ave=True
#19 opened by lakecity - 6
Problem with 2D visualization with MPI
#18 opened by lakecity - 2
Segmentation fault happened when use axisymmetric shtns functions on KNL nodes
#17 opened by alexisreboulsalze - 5
- 2
FL and SL movies
#16 opened by tgastine - 1
compilation failed with OpenMP
#15 opened by nschaeff - 4
- 6
Problem when running the sample named varCond
#11 opened by mxdzsy1228 - 1
- 1
dentropy0 in updateS.f90
#6 opened by tgastine - 1
lbDiss in output.f90
#7 opened by tgastine - 1
power.TAG outputs
#4 opened by tgastine - 1
RMS calculations
#1 opened by tgastine - 3
Auto-test failed
#2 opened by jrekier