
Run mysql server inside a docker container.

Primary LanguageShell

Docker mysql

Builds a docker image for mysqld


# start a solo mysql server
vagrant up --provision
vagrant ssh
mysql -h127.0.0.1 -p3306 -uadmin -proot


To build a docker image, use the included Vagrantfile to launch up a virtual machine with docker already installed. The Vagrantfile uses the vagrant docker provisioner to install docker


To launch the vagrant virtual machine

cd /path/to/this/repo
vagrant up

Once the virtual machine is running you can test out the Dockerfile via

# log into the virtual machine
vagrant ssh
# go to the mounted shared folder
cd /vagrant/app

# build a docker image from the Dockerfile
docker build -t mysql .

# ensure that the image exists, you should see the `mysql` image in the list output
docker images

# run the container, mapping ports on the host virtual machine to the same ports inside the container
$ID=$(docker run -name mysql-container -p 1111:22 -p 3306:3306 -e ADMIN_PASSWORD=root -d mysql)

# wait a few seconds and then check container logs. You should see the output from mysql starting up.
docker logs $ID

# connect to the mysql service running in the container via mysql client interface
mysql -h127.0.0.1 -p3306 -uadmin -proot

# You can connect to the running container via the mapped ssh port
# password: root
ssh -p 1111 root@localhost


TODO: Add support for mounted data volumes. The following is included for reference only

To use a custom mysql data configuration and data folder, use the volumes feature of docker to mount the mysql data folder inside the container at /var/lib/mysql/mysql.

# volumes

# ports


docker run \
  -d # run in detached mode
  -name "mysql-container"
  -p $HOST_mysql_PORT:$CONTAINER_mysql_PORT  \
  mysql:latest # format is <image name>:<tag>