Url Shortener Code Test

Without using an external database, we'd like you to create a URL shortening service. The URLs do not need to persist between restarts, but should be shareable between different clients while the server is running.

  • There should be an endpoint that responds to POST with a json body containing a URL, which responds with a JSON repsonse of the short url and the orignal URL, as in the following curl example:
curl localhost:4000 -XPOST -d '{ "url": "http://www.farmdrop.com" }'
{ "short_url": "/abc123", "url": "http://www.farmdrop.com" }
  • When you send a GET request to a previously returned URL, it should redirect to the POSTed URL, as shown in the following curl example:
curl -v localhost:4000/abc123
< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
< Location: http://www.farmdrop.com
{ "url": "http://www.farmdrop.com" }

Use whatever languages and frameworks you are comfortable with. Don't worry about getting the whole thing working flawlessly, this is more to see how you structure a program. Please don't spend more than a few hours on it.

Bonus points:

  • I often forget to type "http://" at the start of a URL. It would be nice if this was handled by the application (frontend or backend is up to you).
  • We like to see how you approach the problem, so a few git commits with a clear message about what you're doing are better than one git commit with everything in it.
  • We like tests. We don't expect a full test suite, but some tests would be nice to see. Its up to you whether thats integration, unit or some other level of testing.
  • We'd be very happy to see a Dockerfile to run the project. This by no means a requirement, so don't go reading the Docker docs if you've never worked with it.
  • If you'd like to show off your frontend skills, you could create a simple frontend that can create and display shortened URLs without reloading the page.


Please clone this repository, write some code and update this README with a guide of how to run it.

Either send us a link to the repository on somewhere like github or bitbucket (bitbucket has free private repositories) or send us a git bundle.

git bundle create yournamehere-url-shortener-test.bundle master

And send us the resulting yournamehere-url-shortener-test.bundle file.

This .bundle file can be cloned using:

git bundle clone bundle-filename.bundle -b master directory-name