
Primary LanguagePython

Binance Trader (RC 2)

This is an experimental bot for auto trading the binance.com exchange.



  1. Signup for Binance

  2. Enable Two-factor Authentication

  3. Go API Center, Create New Api Key

     [✓] Read Info [✓] Enable Trading [X] Enable Withdrawals
  4. Rename config.sample.py to config.py / orders.sample.db to orders.db

  5. Get an API and Secret Key, insert into config.py

     API key for account access
     api_key = ''
     Secret key for account access
     api_secret = ''
     [API Docs](https://www.binance.com/restapipub.html)
  6. Optional: Modify recv_window value (not recommended)

  7. Optional: run as an excutable application in Docker containers


sudo pip install requests

Python 3
    import os
    import sys
    import time
    import config
    import argparse
    import threading
    import sqlite3

Usage (trading module)

python trader.py --symbol XVGBTC

Example parameters

# Profit mode (default)
python trader.py --symbol XVGBTC --quantity 300 --profit 1.3
or by amount
python trader.py --symbol XVGBTC --amount 0.0022 --profit 3

# Range mode
python trader.py --symbol XVGBTC --mode range --quantity 300 --buyprice 0.00000780 --sellprice 0.00000790
or by amount
python trader.py --symbol XVGBTC --mode range --amount 0.0022 --buyprice 0.00000780 --sellprice 0.00000790

--quantity     Buy/Sell Quantity (default 0) (If zero, auto calc)
--amount       Buy/Sell BTC Amount (default 0)
--symbol       Market Symbol (default XVGBTC or XVGETH)
--profit       Target Profit Percentage (default 1.3)
--stop_loss    Decrease sell price at loss Percentage (default 0)
--orderid      Target Order Id (default 0)
--wait_time    Wait Time (seconds) (default 0.7)
--increasing   Buy Price Increasing  +(default 0.00000001)
--decreasing   Sell Price Decreasing -(default 0.00000001)
--prints       Scanning Profit Screen Print (default True)
--loop         Loop (default 0 unlimited)

--mode         Working modes profit or range (default profit)
               profit: Profit Hunter. Find defined profit, buy and sell. (Ex: 1.3% profit)
               range: Between target two price, buy and sell. (Ex: <= 0.00000780 buy - >= 0.00000790 sell )

--buyprice     Buy price (Ex: 0.00000780)
--sellprice    Buy price (Ex: 0.00000790)

Symbol structure;
    XXXBTC  (Bitcoin)
    XXXETH  (Ethereum)
    XXXBNB  (Binance Coin)
    XXXUSDT (Tether)

All binance symbols are supported.

Every coin can be different in --profit and --quantity.
If quantity is empty --quantity is automatically calculated to the minimum qty.

    trader.py --symbol TBNBTC --quantity 50 --profit 3
    trader.py --symbol NEOBTC --amount 0.1 --profit 1.1
    trader.py --symbol ETHUSDT --quantity 0.3 --profit 1.5

Usage (balances module)

python balance.py

Run in a Docker container

docker build -t trader .

docker run trader