
Ansible role to install and configure NGINX App Protect (WAF) for NGINX Plus on your target host

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

NGINX App Protect Ansible Role

This role installs and configures NGINX App Protect (WAF) for NGINX Plus on your target host.

Note: This role is still in active development. There may be unidentified issues and the role variables may change as development continues.



This role was developed and tested with maintained versions of Ansible. Backwards compatibility is not guaranteed.

Instructions on how to install Ansible can be found in the Ansible website.


Molecule is used to test the various functionalities of the role. Instructions on how to install Molecule can be found in the Molecule website.


Ansible Galaxy

Use ansible-galaxy install nginxinc.nginx_app_protect to install the latest stable release of the role on your system.


Use git clone https://github.com/nginxinc/ansible-role-nginx-app-protect.git to pull the latest edge commit of the role from GitHub.


The NGINX App Protect Ansible role supports all platforms supported by NGINX Plus that intersect with the following list:

    - 7.4
    - 7.5
    - 7.6
    - 7.7
    - 7.8
    - 8.0
    - 8.1
    - 8.2
    - 9.0
    - 9.1
    - 9.2
    - 9.3
    - 9.4
    - 9.5
    - 9.6
    - 9.7
    - 9.8
    - 9.9
    - 9.10
    - 9.11
    - 9.12

Role Variables

This role has multiple variables. The descriptions and defaults for all these variables can be found in the defaults/main.yml`.


  • Since this role uses the package_facts module, on debian-based systems the python-apt package must be installed on targeted hosts.

  • NGINX+ R19-R21 must already be installed on the target system

Example Playbook

This is a sample playbook file for using the role to install NGINX App Protect on NGINX Plus and configure it using basic settings to all wafs inventory hosts.

- hosts: wafs
  become: true
    # Installs NGINX App Protect and all dependencies to the target host
    app_protect_enable: true

    # Specify whether you want to maintain your version of NGINX App Protect, upgrade to the latest version, or remove NGINX App Protect.
    # Can be used with `app_protect_version` to achieve fine grained control on which version of NGINX App Protect is installed/used on each playbook execution.
    # Using 'present' will install the latest version (or 'app_protect_version') of NGINX App Protect on a fresh install.
    # Using 'latest' will upgrade NGINX App Protect to the latest version (that matches your 'app_protect_version') of NGINX App Protect on every playbook execution.
    # Using 'absent' will remove NGINX App Protect from your system.
    # Default is present.
    app_protect_state: present

    # The installation of NGINX App Protect includes a base signature set, which may be out of date. 
    # This option installs the latest NGINX App Protect signatures.
    app_protect_install_signatures: true

    # Creates basic configuration files and enables NGINX App Protect on the target host
    app_protect_configure: true

    # Removes the license (certificate and key) for the NGINX App Protect repositories on the target host(s) when playbook run is complete.
    app_protect_delete_license: true

    # For use with the app_protect_configure option to determine if the default security policy will be written to the target host
    # Used when `app_protect_configure: true`.
    app_protect_security_policy_template_enable: true

    # Default app protect enforcement mode. Values can be `blocking` or `transparent`. 
    # Used when `app_protect_configure: true` and `app_protect_security_policy_template_enable: true`.
    security_policy_enforcement_mode: blocking

    # For use with the app_protect_configure option to determine if the default log policy will be written to the target host.
    # Used when `app_protect_configure: true`.
    app_protect_log_policy_template_enable: true

    # Which violation types to log. Possible values: all, illegal, blocked
    # Used when `app_protect_configure: true` and `app_protect_log_policy_template_enable: true`.
    log_policy_filter_request_type: all

    # For use with the app_protect_configure option to determine if the sample nginx.conf will be written to the target host. 
    # Since this can be dangerous, this value is default to false in the role defaults.
    # Used when `app_protect_configure: true`.
    nginx_conf_template_enable: true

    # For use with the app_protect_configure option to determine the syslog target to be injected 
    # into the default log policy that will be written to the target host. 
    # Used when `nginx_conf_template_enable: true`.

    # DEPRECATED: A proxy pass workload used in the sample nginx.conf for demo purposes.
    # Will be removed from this role in the future. 
    # Used when `nginx_conf_template_enable: true`.

    # The location of the certificate and key to be used when downloading the packages onto the host
      certificate: "{{playbook_dir}}/license/nginx-repo.crt"
      key: "{{playbook_dir}}/license/nginx-repo.key"

    - role: ansible-role-nginx-app-protect

This is a sample playbook file for deploying the Ansible Galaxy NGINX App Protect role in a localhost and installing NGINX App Protect on NGINX Plus.

- hosts: localhost
  become: true
    - role: nginxinc.nginx_app_protect

This is a sample playbook file for deploying the Ansible Galaxy NGINX App Protect role to a dynamic inventory containing the nginx_plus tag.

- hosts: tag_nginx_plus
  remote_user: root
    - role: nginxinc.nginx_app_protect

To run any of the above sample playbooks create a setup-nginx-app-protect.yml file and paste the contents. Executing the Ansible Playbook is then as simple as executing ansible-playbook setup-nginx.yml.

Alternatively, you can also clone this repository instead of installing it from Ansible Galaxy. If you decide to do so, replace the role variable in the previous sample playbooks from nginxinc.nginx_app_protect to ansible-role-nginx-app-protect.

Other NGINX Roles

You can find an Ansible collection of roles to help you install and configure NGINX Controller here


Apache License, Version 2.0

Author Information

Daniel Edgar

© F5 Networks, Inc. 2020