NGINX Controller Install Ansible Role

This role installs NGINX Controller.


For the installation script to work:

  • Supported operating systems: Ubuntu, Debian, Centos, Red Hat Enterprise Linux

  • Postgres 9.5 with user credentials and permissions to allow creation of databases, write, read.

  • BASH >= 4.0

  • Docker Community Edition 18.09.0 or later (installer with install for you if missing)

  • Kubernetes 1.15.5 (recommend allowing installer to install Kubernetes for you)

  • Installed following CLI tools on the Controller remote node:

    • curl or wget, jq, envsubst (provided by the gettext package)
    • awk, bash (4.0 or later), getent, grep, gunzip (provided by the gzip package), less, openssl, sed, tar
    • base64, basename, cat, dirname, head, id, mkdir, numfmt, sort, tee (all provided by the coreutils package)
  • the full prerequisites can be reviewed here

Role Variables

Variable Default Description Required
nginx_controller_tarball "" Source path to the Controller tarball file on the remote host. Yes
nginx_controller_install_path "" Path where the tarball is extracted on the remote host. No
nginx_controller_remote_source "true" If the tarball file exists on the remote machine. No
nginx_controller_db_host "" PostgreSQL database host ip address or FQDN. Yes
nginx_controller_db_port "5432" PostgreSQL database port. No
nginx_controller_db_user "" PostgreSQL database user. Yes
nginx_controller_db_password "" PostgreSQL database password. Yes
nginx_controller_apigw_cert "" SSL/TLS cert file path, cannot be used together with self_signed_cert: true. No
nginx_controller_apigw_key "" SSL/TLS key file path, cannot be used together with self_signed_cert: true. No
nginx_controller_tsdb_volume_type "" Backing volume for time series database. (local, nfs or aws) Yes
nginx_controller_tsdb_nfs_path "" Time series database NFS path (only if tsdb_volume_type is nfs) No
nginx_controller_tsdb_nfs_host "" Time series database NFS host (only if tsdb_volume_type is nfs) No
nginx_controller_tsdb_aws_volume_id "" Time series database AWS EBS Volume ID (only if tsdb_volume_type is aws) No
nginx_controller_smtp_host "" SMTP Host for emails. Yes
nginx_controller_smtp_port "25" SMTP Port for emails. No
nginx_controller_smtp_authentication "" Specify if SMTP needs auth (true or false). Yes
nginx_controller_smtp_user "" SMTP user (only provide if smtp_authentication is true). No
nginx_controller_smtp_password "" SMTP password (only provide if smtp_authentication is true). No
nginx_controller_smtp_use_tls false Specify if SMTP should use https (true or false) No
nginx_controller_noreply_address "" Specify the email to show in the 'FROM' field of controller emails. Yes
nginx_controller_fqdn "" FQDN for the controller web frontend and agent communication. For example, This domain name must not exceed 64 characters. Yes
nginx_controller_organization_name "" The organization name. Yes
nginx_controller_admin_firstname "" Admin user first name. Yes
nginx_controller_admin_lastname "" Admin user last name. Yes
nginx_controller_admin_email "" Admin user email. Yes
nginx_controller_admin_password "" Admin user password. Yes
nginx_controller_self_signed_cert false Specify if the installation should create a self signed cert for TLS (true or false). No
nginx_controller_overwrite_existing_configs false Specify if the existing config for controller should be overwritten (true or false). No
nginx_controller_auto_install_docker false Specify if docker needs to be installed as part of the installation process (true or false). No


No dependencies.

Example Playbook

The following playbook example will use this role to install controller. Check the variables and set the values inside <,> accordingly.

Installing Controller to a remote. example is using Ubuntu 18.04

## on the Ansible host
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

  - name: generate password hash #
      echo: yes
      command: /bin/bash -c "mkpasswd --method=sha-512 | sed 's/\$/\\$/g'"
        (?i)password: '<some secure password>'
    register: password_hash

## on the remote host
- hosts: controller
  remote_user: ubuntu
  become: yes
  become_method: sudo
  gather_facts: yes

  # supporting su requirement for Controller installer role
  - name: set root password to support su for Controller installation with Ubuntu
      name: root
      password: hostvars['localhost']['password_hash'].stdout_lines[1]

  - name: copy the controller tar archive to the remote host
      src: "{{playbook_dir}}/{{nginx_controller_tarball}}"
      dest: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/{{nginx_controller_tarball}}"
      owner: ubuntu
      group: ubuntu
      force: yes
      nginx_controller_install_path: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}"
      nginx_controller_tarball: "controller-installer-<>.tar.gz"

  - name:  make sure all the prerequisites are present on the remote
      name: "{{ packages }}"
      state: present
      update_cache: yes
      - gettext
      - bash
      - gzip
      - coreutils
      - grep
      - less
      - sed
      - tar
      - python-pexpect  # to support ansible
      - nfs-common  # to support nfs remote volume
    tags: packages

## changing security context on the remote host to su to run the installer
- name: install controller
  remote_user: ubuntu
  hosts: controller
  become: yes
  become_user: ubuntu
  become_method: su  # note that the become method is required to be su, you will need to support that for your distribution.
  gather_facts: false

    - nginxinc.nginx_controller_install

    - nginx_controller_tarball: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/{{nginx_controller_tarball}}"
    - nginx_controller_db_host:
    - nginx_controller_db_user: "naas"
    - nginx_controller_db_password: ''
    - nginx_controller_tsdb_volume_type: nfs
    - nginx_controller_tsdb_nfs_path: "/controllerdb"
    - nginx_controller_tsdb_nfs_host: storage.internal
    - nginx_controller_smtp_host: "localhost"
    - nginx_controller_smtp_authentication: false
    - nginx_controller_smtp_use_tls: false
    - nginx_controller_noreply_address: ""
    - nginx_controller_fqdn:
    - nginx_controller_organization_name: "Example"
    - nginx_controller_admin_firstname: "Firstname"
    - nginx_controller_admin_lastname: "Lastname"
    - nginx_controller_admin_email: ""
    - nginx_controller_admin_password: ''
    - nginx_controller_self_signed_cert: true
    - nginx_controller_overwrite_existing_configs: true
    - ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
    - ansible_become_password: '<some secure password>'

# pull the install log for review
- hosts: controller
  remote_user: ubuntu
  become: yes
  become_method: sudo
  gather_facts: false

  - name: fetch the install log
      src: /var/log/nginx-controller/nginx-controller-install.log
      dest: "{{playbook_dir}}/logs/"

You can then run ansible-playbook nginx_controller_install.yaml to execute the playbook.

Alternatively, you can also pass/override any variables at run time using the --extra-vars or -e flag like so ansible-playbook nginx_controller_install.yaml -e " nginx_controller_admin_password=notsecure nginx_controller_fqdn=controller.example.local"

You can also pass/override any variables by passing a yaml file containing any number of variables like so ansible-playbook nginx_controller_install.yaml -e "@nginx_controller_install_vars.yaml"


  • Check the installation logs in /var/log/nginx-controller/nginx-controller-install.log on the remote. Above task example pulls those to the Ansible server.


Apache License, Version 2.0

Author Information

F5 Networks