
Accessible, fuzzy search typeahead component

Primary LanguageSvelteMIT LicenseMIT



Accessible, fuzzy search typeahead component.

This component uses the lightweight fuzzy library for client-side, fuzzy search and follows WAI-ARIA guidelines.

Try it in the Svelte REPL.


# Yarn
yarn add -D svelte-typeahead

# npm
npm i -D svelte-typeahead

# pnpm
pnpm i -D svelte-typeahead


SvelteKit set-up

To use this component with SvelteKit or vite-powered set-ups, instruct vite to optimize the "fuzzy" dependency.

// svelte.config.js
const config = {
  kit: {
    vite: {
      optimizeDeps: {
        include: ["fuzzy"],


Note: this component is minimally styled by design. You can target the component using the [data-svelte-typeahead] selector.

:global([data-svelte-typeahead]) {
  margin: 1rem;


Pass an array of objects to the data prop. Use the extractor prop to specify the value to search on.

  import Typeahead from "svelte-typeahead";

  const data = [
    { state: "California" },
    { state: "North Carolina" },
    { state: "North Dakota" },
    { state: "South Carolina" },
    { state: "South Dakota" },
    { state: "Michigan" },
    { state: "Tennessee" },
    { state: "Nevada" },
    { state: "New Hampshire" },
    { state: "New Jersey" },

  const extract = (item) => item.state;

<Typeahead {data} {extract} />

Custom label

$$restProps are forwarded to svelte-search.

Use the label prop to specify a custom label.

<Typeahead label="U.S. States" {data} {extract} />

Hidden label

Set hideLabel to true to visually hide the label.

It's recommended that you set the label – even if hidden – for accessibility.

<Typeahead label="U.S. States" hideLabel {data} {extract} />

Custom-styled results

This component uses the fuzzy library to highlight matching characters with the mark element.

Use the default slot to render custom results.

<Typeahead {data} {extract} let:result let:index>
  <strong>{@html result.string}</strong>

No results

Use the "no-results" slot to render a message if the search value does not yield results.

<Typeahead value="abcd" {data} {extract} let:value>
  <svelte:fragment slot="no-results">
    No results found for "{value}"

Limit the number of results

Use the limit prop to specify the maximum number of results to display. The default is Infinity.

<Typeahead limit={2} {data} {extract} />

Disabled items

Disable items using the disable filter. Disabled items are not selectable or navigable by keyboard.

In the following example, items with a state value containing "Carolina" are disabled.

  extract={(item) => item.state}
  disable={(item) => /Carolina/.test(item.state)}

Focus after select

Set focusAfterSelect to true to re-focus the search input after selecting a result.

<Typeahead focusAfterSelect {data} {extract} />

Show dropdown on focus

By default, the dropdown will be shown if the value has results.

Set showDropdownOnFocus to true to only show the dropdown when the search input is focused.

<Typeahead value="ca" showDropdownOnFocus {data} {extract} />



Prop name Value Description
value string (default: "") Input search value
data TItem[] (default: []) Items to search
extract (TItem) => any Target an item key if data is an object array
disable (TItem) => boolean Pass in a function to disable items. They can be displayed in the results but will not be selectable.
filter (TItem) => boolean Pass in a function to filter items. They will be hidden and are not displayed in the results.
autoselect boolean (default: true) Automatically select the first (top) result
inputAfterSelect "update" or "clear" or "keep"(default: "update") Set to "clear" to clear the value after selecting a result. Set to "keep" to keep the search field unchanged after a selection.
results FuzzyResult[] (default: []) Raw fuzzy results from the fuzzy module
focusAfterSelect boolean (default: false) Set to true to re-focus the input after selecting a result.
showDropdownOnFocus boolean (default: false) Set to true to only show results when the input is focused.
limit number (default: Infinity) Specify the maximum number of results to display.
...$$restProps (forwarded to svelte-search) All other props are forwarded to the input element.

Dispatched events

  • on:select: dispatched when selecting a result
  • on:clear: dispatched when clearing the input field
  import Typeahead from "svelte-typeahead";

  let e = [];

  on:select={({ detail }) => (e = [...e, { event: "select", detail }])}
  on:clear={() => (e = [...e, { event: "clear" }])}

<pre>{JSON.stringify(e, null, 2)}</pre>

Forwarded events

The following events are forwarded to the svelte-search component.

  • on:type
  • on:input
  • on:change
  • on:focus
  • on:clear
  • on:blur
  • on:keydown


Svelte version 3.31 or greater is required to use this component with TypeScript.

TypeScript definitions are located in the types folder.


