
Ansible playbook for setting up the Nagios monitoring system and clients.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Ansible Playbook for setting up the Nagios monitoring system and clients on CentOS/RHEL.


What does it do?

  • Automated deployment of Nagios on CentOS or RHEL
    • Generates service checks, and monitored hosts from Ansible inventory
    • Generates comprehensive checks for the Nagios server
    • Generates comprehensive checks for all hosts/services via NRPE
    • Generates most of the other configs based on jinja2 templates
    • Wraps Nagios in SSL via Apache
    • Sets up proper firewall rules (firewalld or iptables-services)
    • This is also available via Ansible Galaxy


  • RHEL7 or CentOS7+ for Nagios server.


  • Sets the nagiosadmin password to changeme, you'll want to change this.
  • Creates a read-only user, set nagios_create_guest_user: false to disable this in install/group_vars/all.yml
  • Implementation is very simple, with the following resource/service checks generated:
    • generic out-of-band interfaces (ping, ssh, http)
    • generic Linux servers (ping, ssh, load, users, procs, uptime, disk space)
    • ELK servers (same as servers plus elasticsearch and Kibana)
    • elasticsearch (same as servers plus TCP/9200 for elasticsearch)
    • webservers (http, ping, ssh, load, users, procs, uptime, disk space)
    • network switches (ping, ssh)
    • Dell iDRAC server checks via @dangmocrang check_idrac
      • You can select which checks you want in install/group_vars/all.yml
  • contacts.cfg notification settings are in install/group_vars/all.yml and templated for easy modification.
  • Adding new hosts to inventory file will just regenerate the Nagios configs

Nagios Server Instructions

  • Clone repo and setup your Ansible inventory (hosts) file
git clone https://github.com/sadsfae/ansible-nagios
cd ansible-nagios
sed -i 's/host-01/yournagioshost/' hosts
  • Add any hosts for checks in the hosts inventory
  • Note that you need to add ansible_host entries only for IP addresses for idrac, switches, out-of-band interfaces and anything that typically doesn't support Python and Ansible fact discovery.
  • Anything not an idrac, switch or oobserver should use the FQDN (or an /etc/hosts entry) for the inventory hostname or you may see this error:
    • AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'dict object' has no attribute 'ansible_default_ipv4'}

switch01 ansible_host=
switch02 ansible_host=

webserver01-ilo ansible_host=


database01-idrac ansible_host=

  • Run the playbook
ansible-playbook -i hosts install/nagios.yml
  • Navigate to the server at https://yourhost/nagios
  • Default login is nagiosadmin / changeme unless you changed it in install/group_vars/all.yml

Known Issues

SELinux doesn't always play well with Nagios, or the policies may be out of date as shipped with CentOS/RHEL.

avc:  denied  { create } for  pid=8800 comm="nagios" name="nagios.qh
  • If you see this (or nagios doesn't start) you'll need to create an SELinux policy module.
# cat /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -M mynagios
# semodule -i mynagios.pp

Now restart Nagios and Apache and you should be good to go.

systemctl restart nagios
systemctl restart httpd


  • You can view a video of the Ansible deployment here:

Ansible Nagios

iDRAC Server Health Details

  • The iDRAC health checks are all optional, you can pick which ones you want to monitor.


  • The iDRAC health check will provide exhaustive health information and alert upon it.



├── hosts
├── image
│   ├── ansible-nagios.png
│   ├── idrac-check.jpg
│   └── nagios-idrac.png
├── install
│   ├── group_vars
│   │   └── all.yml
│   ├── nagios.retry
│   ├── nagios.yml
│   └── roles
│       ├── nagios
│       │   ├── files
│       │   │   ├── idrac_2.2rc4
│       │   │   ├── idrac-smiv2.mib
│       │   │   ├── localhost.cfg
│       │   │   ├── nagios.cfg
│       │   │   ├── nagios.conf
│       │   │   └── services.cfg
│       │   ├── tasks
│       │   │   └── main.yml
│       │   └── templates
│       │       ├── cgi.cfg.j2
│       │       ├── commands.cfg.j2
│       │       ├── contacts.cfg.j2
│       │       ├── elasticsearch.cfg.j2
│       │       ├── elkservers.cfg.j2
│       │       ├── idrac.cfg.j2
│       │       ├── oobservers.cfg.j2
│       │       ├── servers.cfg.j2
│       │       ├── switches.cfg.j2
│       │       └── webservers.cfg.j2
│       ├── nagios-client
│       │   ├── tasks
│       │   │   └── main.yml
│       │   └── templates
│       │       └── nrpe.cfg.j2
│       └── selinux
│           ├── files
│           │   └── nagios.te
│           └── tasks
│               └── main.yml
└── README.md

14 directories, 30 files