
Gain privileges:system -> root,as a part of https://github.com/retme7/CVE-2014-7911_poc

Primary LanguageC


poc code works on Nexus Android 4.4/5.0 Gain privileges:system -> root,as a part of https://github.com/retme7/CVE-2014-7911_poc

author: retme (retme7@gmail.com)

@returnsme on twitter & @retme on weibo

website: retme.net

The exploit must be excuted as system privilege and several specific SELinux context. If exploit successed,you will gain root privilege and "kernel" SELinux context

bug info


#how to build ndk-build


  • Kitkat:

run exploit as system privilege

  • Lolipop:

run exploit as system privilege,with SELinux context such as "keystore","vold","drmserver","mediaserver","surfaceflinger"

If exploit successed,you will gain root privilege and "kernel" SELinux context