
Build a Docker image using Packer from a Vagrant virtual machine

Primary LanguageShell

Vagrant build Docker with Packer and Ansible

Build a Docker image using Packer from a Vagrant virtual machine.

This is designed as a proof-of-concept to demonstrate that you could use a Continuous Integration server to build Docker images using a tool such as Packer.


To run this demonstration you'll need the following software installed


For this demonstration we are using Vagrant to setup the virtual machine that will build the images, and to prove the images are not being built from within (running Ansible inside the container for example) we are using a different Linux distribution.

To provision the Debian virtual machine simply bring the Vagrant box up and SSH into it.

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

To verify that Ansible, Packer and Docker have been installed successfully run the following version commands at the vagrant@jessie:~$ prompt you should be greeted with after running vagrant ssh

ansible --version
packer -v
docker -v