
Generate QR Code matrices and images in RAW, PNG and SVG formats.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

QR Code Generator


This crate provides functions to generate QR Code matrices and images in RAW, PNG and SVG formats.


Encode any data to a QR Code matrix which is Vec<Vec<bool>>.

use qrcode_generator::QrCodeEcc;

let result: Vec<Vec<bool>> = qrcode_generator::to_matrix("Hello world!", QrCodeEcc::Low).unwrap();

println!("{:?}", result);

Encode any data to a PNG image stored in a Vec instance.

use qrcode_generator::QrCodeEcc;

let result: Vec<u8> = qrcode_generator::to_png_to_vec("Hello world!", QrCodeEcc::Low, 1024).unwrap();

println!("{:?}", result);

Encode any data to a PNG image stored in a file.

use qrcode_generator::QrCodeEcc;

qrcode_generator::to_png_to_file("Hello world!", QrCodeEcc::Low, 1024, "tests/data/file_output.png").unwrap();

Encode any data to a SVG image stored in a String instance.

use qrcode_generator::QrCodeEcc;

let result: String = qrcode_generator::to_svg_to_string("Hello world!", QrCodeEcc::Low, 1024, None::<&str>).unwrap();

println!("{:?}", result);

Encode any data to a SVG image stored in a file.

use qrcode_generator::QrCodeEcc;

qrcode_generator::to_svg_to_file("Hello world!", QrCodeEcc::Low, 1024, None::<&str>, "tests/data/file_output.svg").unwrap();

Low-level Usage

Raw Image Data

The to_image and to_image_buffer functions can be used, if you want to modify your image.


Every to_* function has a corresponding _from_segments function. You can concatenate segments by using different encoding methods, such as numeric, alphanumeric or binary to reduce the size (level) of your QR code matrix/image.

use qrcode_generator::{QrCodeEcc, QrSegment};

let first = "1234567";

let second = "ABCDEFG";

let segments = [QrSegment::make_numeric(&first), QrSegment::make_alphanumeric(&second)];

let result: Vec<Vec<bool>> = qrcode_generator::to_matrix_from_segments(&segments, QrCodeEcc::Low).unwrap();

println!("{:?}", result);

More segments optimization apporaches: magiclen/qrcode-segments-optimizer




