
Handle multi page features navigation from a bloc emitting trigger states.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

What? And why?

The package is based on the flutter_bloc implementation of the BLoC pattern and its goal is to help organizing multi page features in a Flutter application by providing useful interfaces that help implement each page independently.

The main goal of this independence is that the pages will not have the need to handle navigation decisions. This will allow an higher degree of flexibility in the development process since changing the flow order would require only a modification in the bloc and will leave untouched the screens. Same goes for chosing one way or another when pushing the new route. The bloc will decide everything.



The base class for Blocs that will handle the state of a multi page feature. When overriding it, be sure to call handleEvent as the first thing of your mapEventToState method: this will handle the MultiPageFeatureBack and MultiPageFeaturePagePopped events and react accordingly updating the navigations and the pageChangingStatesHistory.


By default the following events are implemented:

  • MultiPageFeatureBack: used by the widgets to tell the bloc that we want to go back in navigation.
  • MultiPageFeaturePagePopped: used to tell the bloc that a pop was done (when swiping back from iOS or via the hardware Android button, for example)
  • MultiPageFeatureFinished: used to signal the bloc that the process of the feature has come to an end.


By default the following events are implemented:

  • PageChangingState: abstraction used to identify the kind of event that triggers a navigation update.
  • MultiPageFeatureQuit: used by the bloc to signal that the process will be quit.


The single page of the feature. Each feature must inherit from this. Each feature has:

  • a name to identify the route.
  • a isInitialPage parameter which tells that this page is the first of the process.
  • a triggerState which tells that this page should be pushed in navigation when the state occurs
  • a pageBuilder which builds the page
  • a pageRouteBuilder which can be used to optionally customise the built route. By default MaterialPageRoute is built.

Important notes
At least one feature page must have isInitialPage set to true. The initial feature page must have the same name as the route used to push MultiPageFeature.


An implementation of Flutter's NavigatorObserver needed to know the navigation stack situation in order to manipulate it during the process.


The UI component which reacts to the PageChangingState to manage navigation and informs the bloc if a pop was performed.

The constructor takes the following arguments:

  • blocCreate: a function that builds the designed bloc. If a bloc is returned by using blocCreate, it will be disposed along the MultiPageFeature disposal.
  • blocValue: the bloc to use for the feature. If a bloc is provided via blocValue it will not be disposed along the MultiPageFeature disposal.
  • navigationObserver: the same MultiPageFeatureNavigationObserver instance passed to the current Navigator. This is usually passed to navigatorObservers in MaterialApp.
  • pages: a list of FeaturePage implementation


  1. Create an implementation of MultiPageFeatureBloc
  2. Create the needed implementations of states and events by extending MultiPageFeatureEvent and MultiPageFeatureState, keeping in mind that page changing states should extend PageChangingState instead.
  3. Create the needed implementations of FeaturePage, one for each process step.
  4. Pass everything to the MultiPageFeature widget when beginning the process.

You can have a more concrete idea in the example!


Why didn't you use a nested navigator?

The first implementation used Navigator 2.0 and a nested navigation, which allowed a very smooth implementation of everything. Unfortunately, Flutter has a problem with nested navigation: when nesting navigators, the swipe to back iOS gesture doesn't work as expected, since it'll pop the whole nested navigator and not the route of the nested navigator.

I use named routes in my app, why should I need this?

I use named routes and onGenerateRoute too, and I've made a good utility to clean the process of managing named routes route_handler.
The thing is that most times your main app navigator couldn't care less of managing named routes which are just steps of a process, so the idea is to avoid all that clutter but mantaining a better structure than "randomly" pushing routes from the UI code.

This is, for now, an experiment. The package might prove itself useful or a total mess, be aware of this and feel free to provide some feedback