
A fancier version of @apollo/gateway's IntrospectAndCompose

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A fancier version of Apollo's IntrospectAndCompose (from @apollo/gateway).

Adds the following features:

  • Modify the schema after composition. (Useful for adding gateway-only directives)
  • Provide static subgraphs. (Useful for short-circuiting introspection requests to subgraphs that will not change)


$ yarn add fancy-introspect-and-compose

Example Usage

new ApolloGateway({
    supergraphSdl: new FancyIntrospectAndCompose({
        pollIntervalInMs: 1000,
        modifySchema: sdl => {
            return `directive @MyNewDirective on QUERY\n${sdl}`;
        subgraphs: [
                name: 'subgraph_foo',
                url: 'http://foo.mesh.example.com/graphql',
        staticSubgraphs: [
                name: 'subgraph_bar',
                sdl: fs.readFileSync('/path/to/bar.graphql'),

See the tests for more.


FancyIntrospectAndCompose extends IntrospectAndCompose. It has the same methods and accepts the same constructor options:


Additional Options

FancyIntrospectAndCompose accepts the following additional constructor options:

parameter type description
modifySchema (sdl: string) => string a callback to modify the composed schema
staticSubgraphs Array<{ name: string, sdl: string | () => Promise<string> }> a list of subgraphs + static sdl (will not be polled/refetched)