Tools for artists, bands, musicians, ...
Post types and tools for bands. Allow publishing of records with songs list. Easy enough for a single band. Complete enough for several ones.
Although you can get this plugin for free, buying it will fund development and help providing future features.
I am a singer, and a web designer. There are many plugins and themes for bands out there, but I found none suiting my needs. Either way too complicate, either lacking features that seem essential to me.
I wanted something:
- very simple. Let's talk about bands, records and songs and link them together
- opened to my other needs: sell my records
- theme-agnostic
- e-commerce agnostic (although I focus first on WooCommerce integration, Easy Digital Downloads might follow)
- "band", "record" and "song" post types, with relationships
- Bands, Records and Songs available for navigation menus
- Bands, Records and Songs can be used as home page (bands are allowed by default, others are activable in settings)
- Widgets, shortcodes and WPBakery blocks to display
- album list with songs, buy link, player
- related items (songs in displayed album, albums of displayed band...)
- Audio player for albums
- Playlist for albums
- Play button for each song in album
- Customizable layouts for bands, records and songs
- WooCommerce integration
- Links to products or external shop page
- Buy link, per album or per song
- Better widgets: cleaner and more complete display (thumbnails for bands, direct buy or link, ...)
- Video player
- External product links (to specific online store and common distribution platforms)
- Guttenberg Blocks
- Automatic submenus for bands, records and songs
- Video playlists for songs from YouTube, Vimeo etc.
- Crowdfunding based on WC sales (might be in a separate plugin)
- Links between different Band Tools enabled websites
- Events
- Network / Multisite integration
You can submit bugs, feature requests, questions and suggestions in the "Issues" section of GitHub repository.
I'm a singer, I'm a grinner, I'm a joker, I'm a midnight coder.
- My mic, not a screenshot but the origin of all these needs.