
These are the sources for Silent Circle's Silent Phone for Android project.


Silent Phone is Peer-to-peer encrypted calling and video. No keys are stored.

What's New In This Update

The sources are updated for version 6.1 of the project.

This version of the project includes Silent Contacts as a subproject.


To build Silent Phone for Android you will need the following resources:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 8

  • the Android Native Development Kit (NDK)

  • Android SDK Tools

    • Android SDK Tools 26.1.1

    • Android SDK Platform-tools 26.0.1

    • Android SDK Build-tools 26.0.0

    • SDK Platform 26 2

    • SDK Platform 25 3

    • Google Play Services 45

    • Android Support Repository 47

    • Google Repository 58

How to Build

  • download the repository
  • create a terminal window
  • cd to the top of the repository
  • edit to reference the correct locations of the prerequisites
  • bash 2>&1 | tee -a build.log

The build produces silentphone.apk which can be used on an Android device.