
Meta Database Engineer Capstone Project

Primary LanguagePython

Coursera Meta Database Engineer Capstone

This is repo contains the solution for Meta Data Engineer Engineer Capstone project.


Some of excercises contain minor additions like Exercise: Create SQL queries to check available bookings based on user input task 3 where AddValidBooking contains an extra argument for the amount of people. This does not affect the output of the excercises and the desired result.

The content is divided by weeks:

Week 1

Contains the following:

  • Little lemon DB SQL schema.
  • Little Lemon DB ER Diagram
  • Little Lemon DB MySQL Workbench file.

Week 2:

Contains the following:

  • Solution to Exercise: Create a virtual table to summarize data.
  • Solution to Exercise: Create optimized queries to manage and analyze data
  • Solution to Exercise: Create SQL queries to add and update bookings
  • Solution to Exercise: Create SQL queries to check available bookings based on user input
  • Screenshots of the solutions of each of the excercises.

Week 3:

Contains the following:

  • Jupyter notebook solution for Exercise: Add query functions.
  • Tableu data visualization.


Contains a docker compose MySQL database for testing and Python script for populating sample data.

For running these follow these instructions:

  • Open your terminal and go to extras folder.
  • Execute this command docker-compose up -d. This command will spin up a MySQL database on port 3300 with user root, password Test100, and database little_lemon.
  • Run the python script: python little_lemon_db_data.py. It will populate all tables on the DB, except booking.
  • If you need to change the script connection, modify the db_connection.json.