
The great Butterfly Simulator - aka Haxe MotionBlur demonstration (flash)

Primary LanguageHaxe

Butterfly Simulator – AKA flash MotionBlur Demonstration

Multidirectional Motion blur with speed tracking. Quality tricks improve performances


Butterfly Simulator LIVE DEMO

Just giggle the butterfly as fast as you want !

  1. Normal
  2. Slow Motion

MotionBlur API

Add motion blur tracking to a displayobject :

new MotionBlur(target, blurQuality [, light]);

blurQuality : mainly for performance, see below, 3 avalable presets :
light : optional, greater than 1 mignifies the light for bright source targets

MotionBlurQuality :

new MotionBlurQuality(scaleX, scaleY, stageQuality, minSpeed, tolerance, smooth, objectVisible, maxMilisecond);  

scaleX : default 2, resolution reduction factor in the movement direction (performace trick)
scaleY : default 1, resolution reduction factor in the transvers direction (more visible)
stageQuality : default StageQuality.LOW, rendering optimization, motionblur hides imperfections
minSpeed : default 30, min speed to render the effect, we don't want it all the time
tolerance : default 0.1, min acceleration before rerendering the blur
smooth : default false, antialiazing
objectVisible : default false, set the target visible on top of the motion blur
maxMilisecond : default 0xffffffff, not implemented

Further documentation

No butterflies have been injured during this experiment