
a javascript client side background generators

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Background Generators – javascript client side background generators

Fast hight quality backround generation. No data, just js, save your network bandwidth !

(those are preview see the live demos below)


generated images are random, refresh the demo page to see more !

  1. Spiral Art
  2. Erosion noise
  3. Simple noise
  4. Angular Gradient

API (Yeah, I know, it need some polish)

Create a background generator :

new BG(w, h)

w : width
h : height

If you want an identical output on each loading, set the seed :


s : the chosen seed number

fill() Should be called at least once just before retreiving the canvas :


Generate a normal distributed noise :

noiseFast(vr, vg, vb, va, µr, µv, µb, µa, blim)

vx : standard deviation of the x color component
µx : mean of the x color component
blim : true to forbide color overflow (limit the components to 0-255)

Generate a noisy cloud with different color variation on each resolution level :


levels : array of color variation for each level [[red1, green1, blue1, alpha1], [red2, green2, blue2, alpha2], ... ] each level double the canvas size, so init BG with a small size, typically : new BG(2, 2) Note : the image result can be looped, there will be no visible borders if you find the looped background too repetitive, init BG with a slightly larger size and use fewer erosion levels

Generate a classic radial gradient (native api) :

radial(x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2, arg)

arg : specify a color stop list instead of using .addColorStop from native API example [[0, 'red'], [1, 'green']]

Generate a classic linear gradient (native api) :

linear(x1, y1, x2, y2, arg)

arg : same as radial gradient

Generate an angular gradient :

angular(x0, y0, rmin, r, arg)

arg : /!\ same as linear and radial but color are int instead of string example [[0, 0xffff0000], [1, 0xff00ff00]] /* hexadecimal 0xAARRGGBB */

Generate a colorfull artistic spiral with progressive color mixing (see example) :

spiral(x0, y0, rmin, rmax, dr, dteta, levels, right, out, fast)

x0 : x center coordinate
y0 : y center coordinate
rmin : starting raduis from the center (0 for a full disk)
rmax : ending raduis from the center
dr : mix with the pixel at dr distance from the center (typically 1)
dteta : and dteta form the side (typically between -2 and 2)
levels : an array of color noise defined by their variances [vr,vg,vb,va]
right : direction of spiral rotation
out : direction of filling (true : from the center to the outside, false otherwise)
fast : true or false, may affect the spiral shape quality

Apply the canvas as a looped background to the element :


el : DOM element

fit the canvas size to the element :


el : DOM element

get an object containing usefull tools for advenced image processing :


return {
g: the drawing context,
im: the uint8Array of the pixels components,
u: the uint32Array of the pixels

Further documentation

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