The Oldschool Runescape API wrapper that does more!
The official hiscores API for Oldschool Runescape (OSRS) returns CSV. This wrapper converts it to json and provides extra information about the given player. By comparing player info it infers the player's game mode, as well as any previous modes (de-ironed or died as a hardcore ironman).
An additional function is provided which screen-scrapes the OSRS leaderboards and returns the list of players as json
With npm:
$ npm install osrs-json-hiscores
Install the package via npm and then import it into your project:
import hiscores from 'osrs-json-hiscores'
Once you import it you can call the functions asynchronously:
hiscores.getStats('Lynx Titan', 'full')
.then(res => console.log(res))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
will return a full
player object with game mode by default, but it will also accept any of the following game modes:
Game mode | Param |
Regular | main |
Ironman | iron |
Hardcore Ironman | hc |
Ultimate Ironman | ult |
Deadman Mode | dmm |
Seasonal Deadman | sdmm |
DMM Tournament | dmmt |
requires a game mode and optionally a category and page:
hiscores.getHiscores('main', 'overall', 1)
.then(res => console.log(res))
.catch(err => console.error(err))
The default values for category and page are overall
and 1
Categories include all OSRS skills as well as:
Type | Param |
All | allclues |
Easy | easyclues |
Medium | mediumclues |
Hard | hardclues |
Elite | eliteclues |
Master | masterclues |
Minigame | Param |
Bounty Hunter (Rogue) | roguebh |
Bounty Hunter (Hunter) | hunterbh |
Last Man Standing | lms |
returns a player object that looks like this:
rsn: 'Lynx Titan',
mode: 'main',
dead: false,
deironed: false,
main: {
stats: {
overall: {rank: 1, level: 2277, xp: 5,000,000,000},
attack: {},
defence: {},
clues: {},
bh: {},
lms: {}
iron: {},
hc: {},
ult: {}
returns and array of 25 players (This represents a page on the hiscores):
{mode: 'main', category: 'overall', rank: 1, rsn: 'Lynx Titan', level: 2277, xp: 5,000,000,000},