Web-socket server/client with multi-process and parse templates support on server and send/receive options on client
Library comes with 5 main options
- it`s a web-socket server for multiple connections with decoding/encoding for all events out of the box (with Dependency Injected MessageHandler)
- it has GET uri parser, so You can easily use any templates
- multiple process per user connections support, so You can fork processes to speed up performance deciding how many client-connections should be there
- You have the ability to handshake (which is performed automatically) and send messages to server
- Receive a response from the server
How do I get set up?
Preferred way to install is with Composer.
perform command in shell
composer require arthurkushman/php-wss
just add
"require": {
"arthurkushman/php-wss": ">=1.3"
to your projects composer.json.
Implement Your WebSocket handler class - ex.:
use WSSC\Contracts\ConnectionContract;
use WSSC\Contracts\WebSocket;
use WSSC\Exceptions\WebSocketException;
class ServerHandler extends WebSocket
* if You need to parse URI context like /messanger/chat/JKN324jn4213
* You can do so by placing URI parts into an array - $pathParams, when Socket will receive a connection
* this variable will be appropriately set to key => value pairs, ex.: ':context' => 'chat'
* Otherwise leave $pathParams as an empty array
public $pathParams = [':entity', ':context', ':token'];
private $clients = [];
public function onOpen(ConnectionContract $conn)
$this->clients[] = $conn;
echo 'Connection opend, total clients: ' . count($this->clients) . PHP_EOL;
public function onMessage(ConnectionContract $recv, $msg)
echo 'Received message: ' . $msg . PHP_EOL;
public function onClose(ConnectionContract $conn)
$conn->send('whatever you need');
unset($this->clients[array_search($conn, $this->clients)]);
* @param ConnectionContract $conn
* @param WebSocketException $ex
public function onError(ConnectionContract $conn, WebSocketException $ex)
echo 'Error occured: ' . $ex->printStack();
* You may want to implement these methods to bring ping/pong events
* @param ConnectionContract $conn
* @param string $msg
public function onPing(ConnectionContract $conn, $msg)
// TODO: Implement onPing() method.
* @param ConnectionContract $conn
* @param $msg
* @return mixed
public function onPong(ConnectionContract $conn, $msg)
// TODO: Implement onPong() method.
Then put code bellow to Your CLI/Console script and run
use WSSC\WebSocketServer;
use WSSCTEST\ServerHandler;
use WSSC\Components\ServerConfig;
$config = new ServerConfig();
$config->setStreamSelectTimeout(2 * 3600);
$webSocketServer = new WebSocketServer(new ServerHandler(), $config);
How do I set WebSocket Client connection?
use WSSC\WebSocketClient;
use \WSSC\Components\ClientConfig;
$client = new WebSocketClient('ws://localhost:8000/notifications/messanger/yourtoken123', new ClientConfig());
$client->send('{"user_id" : 123}');
echo $client->receive();
That`s it, client is just sending any text content (message) to the Server.
Server reads all the messages and push them to Handler class, for further custom processing.
How to pass an optional timeout, headers, fragment size etc?
You can pass optional configuration to WebSocketClient
's constructor e.g.:
use WSSC\WebSocketClient;
use WSSC\Components\ClientConfig;
$config = new ClientConfig();
'X-Custom-Header' => 'Foo Bar Baz',
$client = new WebSocketClient('ws://localhost:8000/notifications/messanger/yourtoken123', $config);
You may wish to broadcast messages by simply calling broadCast
method on Connection
object in any method of your ServerHandler
$conn->broadCast('hey everybody...');
How to test
To run the Server - execute from the root of a project:
phpunit --bootstrap ./tests/_bootstrap.php ./tests/WebSocketServerTest.php
To run the Client - execute in another console:
phpunit --bootstrap ./tests/_bootstrap.php ./tests/WebSocketClientTest.php
PHP7 support since version 1.3 - with types, returns and better function implementations.
PS U'll see the processes increase named "php-wss" as CPP (Connections Per-Process) will grow and decrease while stack will lessen.
For instance, if set 100 CPP and there are 128 connections - You will be able to see 2 "php-wss" processes with for ex.: ps aux | grep php-wss