
A tool to detect the main language used in a given phrase.

Primary LanguageC


A tool to detect the main language used in a given phrase.

##How to use:

  • Clone the project : git clone https://github.com/magmine/automatic_language_detection.git
  • You need to have gnu make installed preferably you are running it in Linux.
  • In the root of the project run : make trie
  • Execute the program using : ./trie
  • Enter your phrases and you will get which languge it is.


~/automatic_language_detection/ (main *) $ make trie
cc -c src/main.c
cc -c src/utils.c
cc -o trie main.o trie.o utils.o
~/automatic_language_detection/ (main *) $ ./trie 
--> Found : abada
--> Found : abarticulation
--> Found : abdominohysterectomy
hy everyone this is working
C'est une phrase en anglais
quelle belle journee
C'est une phrase en français