
Angular.JS optimizations for Optimus

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

optimus-angular Build Status

Angular.JS optimizations for Optimus.


Add to :dependencies in your project.clj:

[optimus "2023-02-08"]
[optimus-angular "2023-02-08"]


This project offers two distinct features. It helps you:

  • Prepopulate the Angular.JS template cache.
  • Prepare JavaScript for minification with ng-annotate.

Both features work with Optimus, or any other asset serving framework that uses the same data structure for asset representation: [{:path :contents}]

Prepopulating the Angular.JS template cache

optimus-angular/create-template-cache is a custom Optimus asset loader. It creates a virtual JavaScript asset that populates the Angular.JS template cache with your given templates.

Here's an example usage:

(ns my-app.example
  (require [optimus.assets :as assets]
           [optimus-angular.core :as optimus-angular]))

(defn get-assets [] ;; 1
   (assets/load-bundles "public" my-bundles) ;; 1
   [(optimus-angular.templates/create-template-cache ;; 2
     :path "/templates/angular.js" ;; 3
     :module "MYAPP" ;; 4
     :templates (assets/load-assets "public" ;; 5
  1. You create the template cache in your get-assets function along with your other assets.

  2. Notice that create-template-cache creates a single asset, so it's in a vector to concat with the other assets .

  3. You use the :path to reference the virtual asset when linking.

  4. The name of your Angular module.

  5. It takes a list of assets to include in the cache. These could be virtual too, like if you're creating your HTML with hiccup.

So, it creates a file /templates/angular.js that inlines the templates and adds them to the $templateCache.

You link to this script with:

(optimus/file-path request "/templates/angular.js")

Or let's say you have a bundle named app.js. You can add a :bundle "app.js" pair to the create-template-cache call, and the file will be bundled together with the rest of the javascript files in /bundles/app.js. Nifty.

Do I have to enumerate all the templates like that?

Dear me, no. That would be a chore. Optimus' load-assets supports regex to pick up files on the class path:

(assets/load-assets "public" [#"/angular/templates/.+\.html$"])

Preparing JavaScript for minification

When minifying JavaScript, local variable names are changed to be just one letter. This reduces file size, but disrupts some libraries that use clever reflection tricks - like Angular.JS.

By transforming your assets with optimus-angular/prepare-for-minification, these reflection tricks are replaced by an alternate syntax that still functions after mangling of local names.

Make sure to insert this asset transformation earlier in the stack than the js-minifier. This would be a good way of doing it:

(defn my-optimize [assets options]
  (-> assets
      (optimus.optimizations/all options)))

This will change code like this:

angular.module('my-app').controller('MyCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {});

into code like this:

angular.module('my-app').controller('MyCtrl', [
  '$scope', '$http', function ($scope, $http) {}

which can be safely minified. There are limitations tho. Optimus-angular uses ng-annotate to do this job. Please read more about how it works in the ng-annotate README.


From 0.2 to 0.3

From 0.1 to 0.2

  • Add Last-Modified headers to template asset


Yes, please do!

Installing dependencies

You need npm installed to fetch the JavaScript dependencies. The actual fetching is automated however.

Running the tests

lein midje will run all tests.

lein midje namespace.* will run only tests beginning with "namespace.".

lein midje :autotest will run all the tests indefinitely. It sets up a watcher on the code files. If they change, only the relevant tests will be run again.


Copyright © 2013 Magnar Sveen

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.