
net module for browserify, with a websocket server proxy

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


net module for browserify, with a websocket server proxy.

Supported methods:

  • net.connect(options, cb)
  • net.isIP(input), net.isIPv4(input), net.isIPv6(input)

Examples are available in examples/.

How to use

For the client

Just require this module or map this module to the net module with Browserify.

$ npm install net-browserify-alt

You can set a custom proxy address if you want to:

var net = require('net');

// Optionaly, set a custom proxy address
// (defaults to the current host & port)
	hostname: 'example.org',
	port: 42

// Use the net module like on a server
var socket = net.connect({
	host: 'google.com',
	port: 80

socket.on('connect', function () {
	console.log('Connected to google.com!');

For the server

var express = require('express');
// Create our app
var app = express();
var netApi = require('net-browserify');


// Start the server
var server = app.listen(3000, function() {
	console.log('Server listening on port ' + server.address().port);

You can also specify some options:

netApi(app, {
	allowOrigin: '*', // Allow access from any origin
	to: [ // Restrict destination
		{ host: 'example.org', port: 42 }, // Restrict to example.org:42
		{ host: 'example.org' }, // Restrict to example.org, allow any port
		{ port: 42 }, // Restrict to port 42 only, allow any host
		{ host: 'bad.com', blacklist: true } // Blacklist bad.com
		// And so on...


The MIT license.