
NodeJS lib to connect and interact with Quassel IRC server

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Javascript library to connect and interact with Quassel IRC server.


npm install --production libquassel

Use in browser

You just need to import dist/libquassel.js in your HTML page.


npm install libquassel

In order to create a browser compatible file, run the following commands

# use browserify to build on change
npm run watch
# before commit, make the dev version + minified version + the doc
npm run build

3.0 breaking changes

Version 3.0 introduces the following breaking changes:

  • message.Type has been superseded by message.Types, and all its constants are now UPPERCASE
  • channel.active has been superseded by channel.isActive
  • channel.isChannel() has been superseded by channel.isChannel
  • channel.isHighlighted() has been superseded by channel.isHighlighted
  • message.isHighlighted() has been superseded by message.isHighlighted
  • message.isSelf() has been superseded by message.isSelf
  • network.getBufferCollection() and network.getBufferMap() have been merged into networks.buffers
  • networkCollection.findBuffer(...) and networkCollection.get(...) have been merged into network.getBuffer(...)
  • The majority of setter methods has been replaced by direct affectation to the target property
    • e.g. network.setName(name) as been superseded by network.name = name
  • The majority of getter methods has been replaced by direct access to the target property
    • e.g. network.getStatusBuffer() as been superseded by network.statusBuffer

node specific

  • Client(...).connect method expects a Socket or any other Duplex as parameter.

browser specific

  • libquassel is available as a global object.
  • Client(...).connect method expects a libquassel.WebSocketStream or any other Duplex as parameter.

Getting Started


const { Client } = require('libquassel');
const net = require('net');

const socket = net.createConnection({
  host: "localhost",
  port: 4242

const quassel = new Client((next) => next("user", "password"));

quassel.on('network.init', (networkId) => {
    network = quassel.networks.get(networkId);
    // ...

// ...



<!-- In your HTML -->
<script src="/path/to/libquassel.js"></script>
// libquassel in available as a global in browser
const socket = new libquassel.WebSocketStream('wss://domain.tld:12345', ['binary', 'base64']);
const quassel = new libquassel.Client((next) => next("user", "password"));

quassel.on('network.init', (networkId) => {
    network = quassel.networks.get(networkId);
    // ...

// ...





See test folder for examples.



  • Add support for core highlight rules


  • Update dependencies


Copyright (c) 2019 Joël Charles Licensed under the MIT license.