
Tutorweb buildout

Primary LanguagePython


A Plone site to aid in teaching.


The tutorweb is broken up into several repositories:

  • tutorweb.buildout: The configuration needed to build plone/tutorweb (this repo)
  • tutorweb.quiz: The javascript quiz engine
  • tutorweb.quizdb: The server-side DB to distribute and record answers
  • tutorweb.content: The Plone content type configuration
  • Products.Tutorweb: Legacy bits and bobs not yet ported over.



Installation is much the same as any other buildout-based site.

1. Check out this repository somewhere, e.g. git clone git://github.com/tutor-web/tutorweb.buildout 3. cp buildout.cfg.example buildout.cfg and edit it to your liking 2. python bootstrap.py 4. bin/buildout 5. bin/instance fg

NB: You don't need to set up MySQL. By default, it will use a SQLite database quizdb.sqlite in the current directory.

All the other tutorweb repositories will be checked out for you under the src/ directory.

Fake SMTP server

The development buildout will also create a fake smtpd server, running on port 1025. You can run it with ./bin/debugsmtp

Running tests

Once buildout is run, you should have a testrunner to run tests from any of the modules, for example bin/test -s tutorweb.content.

Production Installation

Creating MySQL Database

Log in to the MySQL database as root, issue the following commands:

    ON tw_quizdb.*
    TO 'tw_quizdb'@'localhost'
    IDENTIFIED BY 'quizdb';
    ON tw_quizdb.allocation
    TO 'tw_quizdb'@'localhost'
    IDENTIFIED BY 'quizdb';

Note, the database will be created automatically, but any schema alterations will have to be performed manually in SQL.

Buildout configuration

Next, clone this repository somewhere and make a buildout.cfg, e.g.:

extends = cfgs/production.cfg
quizdb-url = mysql+mysqldb://tw_quizdb:quizdb@localhost/tw_quizdb?charset=utf8

user = admin:admin

Then run your buildout config:

python bootstrap.py

Finally, start Plone:


Cron jobs

The buildout will automatically create entries in the current user's crontab to:

  • Pack the ZEODB
  • Backup Plone
  • Start Plone on machine startup

If you want more details of these, look at the cfgs/production.cfg file.

Debug instance

The buildout also sets up a buildout instance for tinkering. Invoke with ./bin/instance-debug fg to run an instance accessible on port 8189, ./bin/instance-debug debug to open the instance with a debug console.

Setting up the Plone site

You need to create a site by going to /@@plone-addsite?site_id=tutor-web&advanced=1. Ensure that 'Tutorweb' and 'Tutorweb content' are selected.

There are (for now) a few things you have to do manually once a site is created.

  • Remove the navigation portlet from the root of the site, with @@manage_portlets
  • Allow users to register themselves in security control panel
  • Configure a mail relay in the Plone control panel

Virtual Host Monster

To remove the need to supply /tutor-web, you can either configure the front end to use the VHM, or go to /manage, virtual hosting and set up a mapping such as:



Configuring password reset emails

The template is in /portal_skins/PasswordReset/registered_notify_template/manage_main.

The expiry time is set in /portal_password_reset/manage_overview.