
An LLVM-based language that aims to be an in-between of JavaScript and C.

Primary LanguageRust


An LLVM-based language that aims to be an in-between of JavaScript and C.

This is just a for-fun project, so don't expect anything serious out of it. I've been wanting to make a compiled language for a while now and decided to finally do it.

What does it look like?

A lot like C and TypeScript. For now it's very C-like, but as the language develops it will be nicely in the middle:

declare function putchar(ch: char) -> i32;

// putchar usage is temporary until strings are implemented in llvm
function main(argc: i32, argv: string*) -> i32 {
  // newline (parser doesn't account for escapes yet)
  return 0;


(replace plume with cargo run -- {command} if running from source).

# this is not implemented yet, just create a project.json file in the root of your project. (see examples folder)
$ plume init my-project && cd my-project
$ plume build


  • Target WebAssembly nicely with a minimal runtime.
  • Be able to link and use any C library.
  • Provide a clean and simple language for beginners and experienced developers.
  • Implement compile time guarantees for things like memory saftey, à la Rust.
  • Provide a very good stdlib, like Go.
  • Reach self-hosting language status (can compile itself).


  • plume init command to create a plume project.
  • plume compile command to directly compile source files.
  • File validation (ensure that code will work with LLVM)
  • Determine types for values at parsing/verification time.
  • Clean up Lexer code
  • Compile loops, conditions, etc.
  • Run a linker on the outputted object files
  • Optionally export object files, bytecode, and LLVM IR,
  • A JIT mode.
  • A Language Server, for support in most code editors.
  • AST subcommand should export a JSON representation of the code that can be loaded into the compiler.