Gotify to Discord Forwarder Script Usage

This script listens to Gotify messages via WebSocket and forwards them to a Discord webhook.


  • Python 3.6 or higher installed on your system
  • websockets library installed (install with pip install websockets)

Setup Instructions

1. Clone the Repository

Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone
cd your-repository

2. Configuration

Gotify Setup

  1. Gotify Application Token:

    • Replace your_gotify_token_here with your Gotify application token in
    • Example: GOTIFY_TOKEN = 'your_gotify_token_here'
  2. Gotify Server URL:

    • Replace your_gotify_server_ip with the IP address or hostname of your Gotify server.
    • Example: GOTIFY_URL = f'ws://your_gotify_server_ip:3000/stream?token={GOTIFY_TOKEN}'

Discord Setup

  1. Discord Webhook URL:
    • Replace your_discord_webhook_here with your Discord webhook URL in
    • Example: DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL = ''

3. Install Dependencies

Install the required Python dependencies using pip:

pip install websockets && pip install requests

4. Running the Script

Run the script to start forwarding Gotify messages to Discord:


The script will establish a WebSocket connection to your Gotify server and listen for incoming messages. When a message is received, it will be forwarded to the specified Discord webhook.

5. Additional Notes

  • Ensure that your Gotify server is accessible from the machine where you are running the script.
  • Monitor the script output for any errors or messages indicating successful forwarding of messages.


If you encounter any issues while setting up or running the script, consider the following steps:

  • Check Dependencies: Ensure that Python and the websockets library are correctly installed.
  • Verify Configuration: Double-check the Gotify token, server URL, and Discord webhook URL in
  • Review Logs: Check the script output or logs for any error messages or indications of connection issues.

Running Python Script as a systemd Service on Ubuntu

This guide explains how to set up and run your Python script ( as a systemd service on Ubuntu. This includes creating a new user, placing the script in /opt/discordforwarder/, and setting correct permissions.

1. Create a New User

Create a new system user (forwarduser) to run the service:

sudo adduser --system --group --disabled-login --home /home/forwarduser forwarduser

This command creates a system user named forwarduser with a home directory set to /home/forwarduser.

2. Create Directory and Move Script

Create the directory /opt/discordforwarder/ and move your Python script ( into it:

sudo mkdir /opt/discordforwarder
sudo mv /opt/discordforwarder/

3. Set Permissions

Set ownership and permissions for the script and its directory:

sudo chown -R forwarduser:forwarduser /opt/discordforwarder
sudo chmod +x /opt/discordforwarder/
  • chown -R forwarduser:forwarduser /opt/discordforwarder: Recursively change ownership of all files and directories under /opt/discordforwarder to forwarduser.
  • chmod +x /opt/discordforwarder/ Make the script executable.

4. Create Systemd Service File

Create a systemd service file (forward-gotify-to-discord.service) in /etc/systemd/system/:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/forward-gotify-to-discord.service

5. Define the Service

Add the following content to forward-gotify-to-discord.service:

Description=Gotify to Discord Forwarder

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /opt/discordforwarder/


6. Save and Exit

Save the file (Ctrl + O in nano, then Enter) and exit (Ctrl + X).

7. Enable and Start the Service

Once the service file is created, enable and start the service:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload  # Reload systemd to read the new service file
sudo systemctl enable forward-gotify-to-discord  # Enable the service to start on boot
sudo systemctl start forward-gotify-to-discord  # Start the service now

8. Verify the Service Status

Check the status of your service to ensure it's running without errors:

sudo systemctl status forward-gotify-to-discord

Look for Active: active (running) in the output, which indicates that the service is running successfully.

9. View Logs (Optional)

To view logs related to your service:

sudo journalctl -u forward-gotify-to-discord

This command displays logs specific to the forward-gotify-to-discord service.


  • Replace with the actual name of your Python script.
  • Adjust paths (WorkingDirectory and ExecStart) in the .service file to match your script's location and environment.
  • Ensure your Python script is executable (chmod +x if needed).
  • This setup ensures that your Python script runs as a service, automatically starting on system boot and managed by systemd, providing reliability and ease of management. Adjust configurations as necessary based on specific requirements or system setup.