
Nooku Based Component for Digital Deliver App API.

Primary LanguagePHP


Nooku Framework (12.1) Based Component for Digital Deliver App API. (Not even close to complete)

20130114 First commit

Last week I found and signed up for a service called DigitalDeliveryApp.com to help streamline delivery of a package I sell call JRumblr (Facebook for Joomla). After I signed up I investigated the API and decided it would be nice if users could look at their orders and have links to their downloads in one place instead of fishing through their email.

Always looking for an excuse to write something using Nooku I dove in and what you see is the result. It was a great little exercise and I have the beginnings of a general purpose digital delivery API library that builds KDatabaseRowsets from the returned json (only did the json part, though the API has xml as well).