
A Python bot designed to create original tweets from the most recent @realdonaldtrump tweets.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Documentation Status Requirements Status Build Status Coverage Status Stories in Ready

A Python bot designed to create original tweets from the most recent @realdonaldtrump tweets.


What is this?

The @trumpatron1 Twitter account is a mock account ran by this bot. At a regular interval, this bot runs, fetches the most recent @realdonaldtrump tweets, and mixes statements from those tweets together to create a new, original Tweet.

After being generated, it's tweeted to the @trumpatron1 account.



  • Debian 6+
  • Ubuntu 14.04+
  • CentOS 6+


  • python 3.3+
  • pip3
  • setuptools (if installing libraries)


To install TrumpaTron locally, follow these steps:

  1. Download and unzip the latest stable release from GitHub:
bot@trumpatron1:~$ wget https://github.com/magneticstain/TrumpaTron/archive/master.zip
bot@trumpatron1:~$ unzip master.zip 
  1. Install application requirements:
bot@trumpatron1:~/TrumpaTron-master$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. (Opt.) If you plan on utilizing the trumpatron library in your own applications (i.e. want to import the libraries in your own python scripts), run the setup.py file now:
bot@trumpatron1:~/TrumpaTron-master$ sudo ./setup.py install
  1. Move files to a static directory:
bot@trumpatron1:~/TrumpaTron-master$ sudo mkdir /opt/trumpatron && sudo cp -rf ./* /opt/trumpatron/
  1. Create log directory:
sysadmin@nyc3ttrontesting01:/opt/trumpatron$ sudo mkdir /var/log/trumpatron/

TrumpaTron is now installed and ready to use.


Nothing is easier than running this application. It's the greatest syntax ever, believe me!

sysadmin@nyc3ttrontesting01:~/TrumpaTron-master$ /opt/trumpatron/trumpatron.py -h
usage: trumpatron.py [-h] [-f LOG_FILE] [-l LOG_LEVEL] [-c CONFIG_FILE]
                     [-n NUM_CLAUSES] [-y] [-k] [-t] [-d] [-s SLEEP_DELAY]

A Python bot designed to create original tweets from the most recent
@realdonaldtrump tweets.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f LOG_FILE, --log-file LOG_FILE
                        File to write application logs to
  -l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        Minimum log severity level to log to file
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        Configuration file to be used
  -n NUM_CLAUSES, --num-clauses NUM_CLAUSES
                        Number of clauses to use in Tweet
  -y, --assume-yes      Assume YES for all prompts
  -k, --config-check    Try running TrumpaTron up to after the configs are
                        read in
  -t, --test-run        Run TrumpaTron in test mode (generate tweet w/o
  -d, --daemon-mode     Run TrumpaTron in daemon mode (run persistently)
  -s SLEEP_DELAY, --sleep-delay SLEEP_DELAY
                        Time to wait in between runs (used w/ -d|--daemon-
  -r, --random-sleep    Sleep for a random delay, with the value for
                        -s|--sleep-delay being the max sleep time


Perform a configuration check on the primary config:

bot@trumpatron1:/opt/trumpatron$ ./trumpatron.py -c conf/primary.cfg -k

Perform a test run using the default config:

bot@trumpatron1:/opt/trumpatron$ ./trumpatron.py -t

Use tertiary config file:

bot@trumpatron1:/opt/trumpatron$ ./trumpatron.py -c conf/tertiary.cfg

Assume yes to all prompts using the default settings (automated tweeting):

bot@trumpatron1:/opt/trumpatron$ ./trumpatron.py -y

Use the settings in conf/secondary.cfg, generate a tweet with three clauses, and assume yes for all prompts:

bot@trumpatron1:/opt/trumpatron$ ./trumpatron.py -c conf/secondary.cfg -n 3 -y

Run trumpatron.py in test daemon mode using specific config and log file/level:

bot@trumpatron1:/opt/trumpatron$ ./trumpatron.py -c /opt/trumpatron/conf/specific.cfg -d -t -f /home/testing/ttron_test.log -l DEBUG

Run trumpatron.py in test daemon mode, ensuring any log messages WARN level and above are written, and overriding config values for number of clauses and sleep delay (30s):

bot@trumpatron1:/opt/trumpatron$ ./trumpatron.py -c /opt/trumpatron/conf/specific.cfg -n 3 -d -t -s 30 -l WARN

Run trumpatron.py in daemon mode using specific config file, with random sleep delay (max 120s):

bot@trumpatron1:/opt/trumpatron$ ./trumpatron.py -c /opt/trumpatron/conf/specific.cfg -d -s 120 -r

Customizing Application

A configuration file is used by the application for various settings, mostly related to Twitter API authentication. It's located at conf/main.cfg. Open the file to take a look at the various settings and customize them to your liking.