
Python server-side tools for managing APNS device tokens and generating test notifications

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python server-side tools for managing APNS device tokens and generating test notifications








python + Flask micro RESTful API for receiving and storing APNS tokens from your iOS apps

  1. Copy config.yaml into script root directory
  2. Use certbot to generate SSL certificate + key files
  3. Create SQLite database: sqlite3 /path/to/sqlite.db < etc/schema.sql
  4. Update config.yaml with paths to newly generated SQLite database and SSL cert/key
  5. Start the server with ./server.py --debug

To run as a system service skip step 5 and:

$ sudo ln -s /path/to/etc/apns_server.service /lib/systemd/system/apns_server.service
$ sudo systemctl enable apns_server
$ sudo systemctl start apns_server


Use to send test notifications to your iOS app via APNS


To use with server.py copy config.yaml and update api-url with the API base route to your server (not including any app routes/endpoints). To use with flat YAML file of APNS device tokens, copy tokens.yaml into script root directory and update with your device tokens and bundle ID.

usage: send.py [-h] [--prod] [--title TITLE] [--body BODY] [--badge BADGE] [--silent] [--background BACKGROUND]

Use APNS to send test push notifications to your iOS apps

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --prod, --production  Use production environment
  --title TITLE         Alert title text
  --body BODY           Alert body text
  --badge BADGE         Number to set in app icon badge
  --silent              Do not play sound
  --background BACKGROUND
                        Deliver float data silently in the background
  --yaml                Use DeviceTokens from tokens.yaml instead of using APNS remote server API