
Dockerfiles for various pandoc images

Primary LanguageMakefileGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

pandoc Dockerfiles


This repo contains a collection of Dockerfiles to build various pandoc container images.


Available Images

Docker images hosted here have a "core" version and a "latex" version:

  • core: pandoc and pandoc-citeproc, as well as the appropriate backend for the full lua filtering backend (lua filters can call external modules).
  • latex: builds on top of the core image, and provides an as-minimal-as-possible latex installation in addition. This includes all packages that pandoc might use, and any libraries needed by these packages (such as image libraries needed by the latex graphics packages).

From there, the tagging scheme is either X.Y, X.Y.Z, latest, or edge.

  • X.Y or X.Y.Z: an official pandoc release (e.g., 2.6). Once an X.Y tag is pushed, it will not be re-built (unless there is a problem). Pandoc releases versions such as 2.7 or 2.7.1 (there is no 2.7.0), which is where the optional .Z comes from.
  • latest: the latest tag points to the most recent X.Y release. For example, if tags 2.5 and 2.6 were available online, latest would be the same image as 2.6.
  • edge: the "bleeding edge" tag clones the master branch of pandoc and pandoc-citeproc. This tag is a moving target, and will be re-built at least once a month. The CI scripts have a cron job to build each image stack on the first of the month. However, changes to the master branch of this repository may also result in the edge tag being updated sooner.

Current latest Tag

The current latest tag for all images points to pandoc version 2.9.2.

Alpine Linux

  • Core image: pandoc/core
    • To build locally: make alpine
  • Latex image: pandoc/latex
    • To build locally: make alpine-latex


Note: this section describes how to use the docker images. Please refer to the pandoc manual for usage information about pandoc.

Docker images are pre-provisioned computing environments, similar to virtual machines, but smaller and cleverer. You can use these images to convert document wherever you can run docker images, without having to worry about pandoc or its dependencies. The images bring along everything they need to get the job done.

Basic Usage

  1. Install Docker if you don't have it already.

  2. Start up Docker. Usually you will have an application called "Docker" on your computer with a rudimentary graphical user interface (GUI). You can also run this command in the command-line interface (CLI):

    open -a Docker
  3. Open a shell and navigate to wherever the files are that you want to convert.

    cd path/to/source/dir

    You can always run pwd to check whether you're in the right place.

  4. Run docker by entering the below commands in your favorite shell.

    Let's say you have a README.md in your working directory that you'd like to convert to HTML.

    docker run --rm --volume "`pwd`:/data" --user `id -u`:`id -g` pandoc/latex:2.6 README.md

    The --volume flag maps some directory on your machine (lefthand side of the colons) to some directory in the container (righthand side), so that you have your source files available for pandoc to convert. pwd is quoted to protect against spaces in filenames.

    Ownership of the output file is determined by the user executing pandoc in the container. This will generally be a user different from the local user. It is hence a good idea to specify for docker the user and group IDs to use via the --user flag.

    pandoc/latex:2.6 declares the image that you're going to run. It's always a good idea to hardcode the version, lest future releases break your code.

    It may look weird to you that you can just add README.md at the end of this line, but that's just because the pandoc/latex:2.6 will simply prepend pandoc in front of anything you write after pandoc/latex:2.6 (this is known as the ENTRYPOINT field of the Dockerfile). So what you're really running here is pandoc README.md, which is a valid pandoc command.

    If you don't have the current docker image on your computer yet, the downloading and unpacking is going to take a while. It'll be (much) faster the next time. You don't have to worry about where/how Docker keeps these images.

Pandoc Scripts

Pandoc commands have a way of getting pretty long, and so typing them into the command line can get a little unwieldy. To get a better handle of long pandoc commands, you can store them in a script file, a simple text file with an *.sh extension such as

pandoc README.md

The first line, known as the shebang tells the container that the following commands are to be executed as shell commands. In our case, we really don't use a lot of shell magic, we just call pandoc in the second line (though you can get fancier, if you like). Notice that the #!/bin/sh will not get you a full bash shell, but only the more basic ash shell that comes with Alpine linux on which the pandoc containers are based. This won't matter for most uses, but if you want to write writing more complicated scripts you may want to refer to the ash manual.

Once you have stored this script, you must make it executable by running the following command on it (this may apply only to UNIX-type systems):

chmod +x script.sh

You only have to do this once for each script file.

You can then run the completed script file in a pandoc docker container like so:

docker run --rm --volume "`pwd`:/data" --entrypoint "`pwd`/script.sh" pandoc/latex:2.6

Notice that the above script.sh did specify pandoc, and you can't just omit it as in the simpler command above. This is because the --entrypoint flag overrides the ENTRYPOINT field in the docker file (pandoc, in our case), so you must include the command.

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) from GitHub that allows you to automatically run code on GitHub's servers on every push (or a bunch of other GitHub events).

Such continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) may be useful for many pandoc users. Perhaps, you're using pandoc convert some markdown source document into HTML and deploy the results to a webserver. If the source document is under version control (such as git), you might want pandoc to convert and deploy on every commit. That is what CI/CD does.

To use pandoc on GitHub Actions, you can leverage the docker images of this project.

To learn more how to use the docker pandoc images in your GitHub Actions workflow, see these examples.

Maintenance Notes

Adding a new Image Stack

Suppose users desire a new image stack using a different base image. To make the requirements clearer, assume the desire is to have a new image stack based off ubuntu.

  1. Create a top-level directory named ubuntu. The name of this directory should be exactly the same as whatever the FROM clause will be, for consistency and clarity.

  2. Create ubuntu/Dockerfile. This Dockerfile will be the "core" ubuntu image, it should only contain pandoc and pandoc-citeproc. Refer to the alpine/Dockerfile for assistance in how to create multiple layers. The idea is to create a base image, install all build dependencies and pandoc / pandoc-citeproc. Then create a new layer from the original base image and copy from the intermediate build layer. This way the pandoc / pandoc-citeproc are effectively the only additional items on top of the original base image.

  3. Add an ubuntu target to the Makefile.

  4. Create ubuntu/latex/Dockerfile and install the latex dependencies. Use the alpine/latex/Dockerfile as a reference for what dependencies should be installed in addition to latex.

  5. Add an ubuntu-latex target to the Makefile.

  6. Add testing targets test-ubuntu and test-ubuntu-latex. You should be able to copy-paste the existing test-alpine and test-alpine-latex targets and rename the target-specific variable value for IMAGE:

    # update default ---> |-----------------------------|
    test-ubuntu: IMAGE ?= pandoc/ubuntu:$(PANDOC_VERSION)
    test-ubuntu: # vvv invokation line is the same as alpine tests
    	IMAGE=$(IMAGE) make -C test test-core

    This means that make test-ubuntu will invoke the test-core target in the test/Makefile, using the image pandoc/ubuntu:edge. The target specific value is helpful for developers to be able to run the tests against an alternative image, e.g., IMAGE=test/ubuntu:edge make test-ubuntu. Note that the testing targets must be the core and latex targets with test- preprended. The CI tests run make test-<< parameters.core_target >> and make test-<< parameters.latex_target >> (see next item).

  7. Now that your image stack has been defined (and tested!), update the CircleCI .circleci/config.yml file to add a new build stack. Specifically, search for alpine_stack: &alpine_stack. An example diff for this ubuntu stack could look like this:

    @@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ jobs:
     alpine_stack: &alpine_stack
       core_target: alpine
       latex_target: alpine-latex
    +ubuntu_stack: &ubuntu_stack
    +  core_target: ubuntu
    +  latex_target: ubuntu-latex
     # Setup builds for each commit, as well as monthly cron job.
    @@ -66,12 +69,17 @@ workflows:
           - lint
           - build_stack:
               <<: *alpine_stack
    +      - build_stack:
    +          <<: *ubuntu_stack
         # NOTE: make sure all `build_stack` calls here *also* set `cron_job: true`!
           - build_stack:
               <<: *alpine_stack
               cron_job: true
    +      - build_stack:
    +          <<: *ubuntu_stack
    +          cron_job: true

    You should not need to edit anything else in this file!

  8. Update this file (README.md) to include a listing of this new image stack. Create a new h2 heading (Ubuntu Linux in this example) underneath All Image Stacks heading. Please keep this alphabetical. Please also make sure to create a hyperlink under the **Contents** listing at the top of this file for browsing convenience.

  9. Open a Pull Request for review!

Managing new Pandoc Releases

When pandoc has a new official release, the following steps must be performed in this exact order:

  1. Create a pull request from a branch. Edit the Current `latest` Tag section to include the new pandoc release number. Suppose we are releasing image stacks for pandoc version 9.8:

    $ git checkout -b release/9.8
    # ... edit current :latest ...
    $ git add README.md
    $ git commit -m 'release=9.8'
    $ git push -u origin release/9.8

    The important part is the commit message. The .circleci/version_for_commit_message.sh script will check the commit message for release=X.Y / release=X.Y.Z, and if found performs the additional tagging to :latest. So the diff does not really matter, just the message.

    Create a pull request first to make sure all image stacks build as expected.

  2. Assuming the pull request build succeeds, merge to master branch. The only time that docker push is performed is when a commit hits the master branch of this repository.


Code in this repository is licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2.