#HQ Scoutnet Custom List Module

##Description The purpose of this module is to present a Custom list from Scoutnet with a custom presentation-template.

##Configuration The only configuration for the module, apart from regular module configuration such as position etc, are two things:

  • The API Endpoint URL
  • The API Key
  • The list_id of the list you want to publish in this module
  • The template to be used for presentation of each User in the CB List.

The following template is an easy beginner template: <div class="yourclasstostyle"><p>[firstname] [lastname]<br/>[cb_yourfiled]</p></div>

And the following template example is a more advanced usage: <div class="yourclasstostyle"> <p><a href="/path-to/userprofile/[user_id]"> <img id="avatar_img_[user_id]" width="50" /></a> <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ var avatar_str = "[avatar]"; if (avatar_str.length > 3) { avatar_url = "/images/comprofiler/[avatar]"; } else { avatar_url = "/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/templates/default/images/avatar/tnnophoto_n.png"; } document.getElementById("avatar_img_[user_id]").src = avatar_url; // ]]> </script> </p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="/ledare/profil/userprofile/[user_id]">[firstname] [lastname]</a> </p> <div class="roles">[cb_role]</div> <div class="badges">[cb_department]</div>