So this is my attempt at a free multithreaded modern download manager. (its not that bad)
Made using Python and PySide6
- Multithreading
- Modern GUI
- Dark-Themed
- Logging
- Scheduled downloads (to be added)
- Adding Batch/multiple downloads supported (to be added)
To run this program, clone it to your local machine using:
git clone
then cd to the repo directory and hit:.
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt --user
Or just double-click on the start.bat file to run.
Note: Mac OS X / Linux users may need to run the following before executing the script.
chmod +x
To build this script as an executable, cd to the repo dir on your terminal and hit:
python build
Click on the Add(+) button in the side bar.
Paste the URL where specified.
Select a download folder (Optional).
Hit Add.
Watch your file get downloaded (or not).
Simple as that!
Free Software, Hell Yeah!
Happy Coding!