
Black Friday Deals for macOS Software & Books

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💰💸💰 Black Friday Deals 💰💸💰

This is a list of all Black Friday Deals for macOS software and Swift tutorials in 2018. Feel free to contribute via Pull Request, making sure to add new offers below existing ones.


Emoji Savings
💰 < 50%
💸 >= 50%

🛠 Development Software

Flawless App — a tool to match design with real app on iOS simulator | 50% off 💸

Periphery — the most accurate tool for finding unused Swift code | 50% off 💸

Git Tower - Git Client | 50% off 💸

Git Kraken - Git Client | 20% off 💰

Paw | 50% off 💸

CodeRunner 3 | 33% off 💰

🎛 Utility Software

Paste 2 | 30% off 💰

Dropshare Cloud | 50% off 💸

Little Snitch | 50% off 💸

Micro Snitch | 50% off 💸

LaunchBar | 50% off 💸

iStat Menus 6 | 50% off 💸

CleanMyMac X, Gemini 2, Hider 2 |30% off 💰

Sip | 50% off 💸

Appfigures | 50% off 💸

Charles Proxy | 30% off 💸

🖥 Virtualization Software

Parallels Desktop | 20% off 💰

VMWare Fusion Pro | 35% off 💰

🎨 Graphic Software

Adobe Creative Cloud | 20% off 💰

PDF Expert | 40% off 💰

Corel Painter | up to 60% off 💸

Icon Jar | 40% off 💰

Affinity Photo | 30% off 💰

Affinity Designer | 30% off 💰

Framer | 30% off 💰

Sparkle | 40% off 💰

📖 Books and Videos

Design+Code | 50% off 💸

Test-Driven iOS Development with Swift 4 | 71% off eBook 💸

Hacking with Swift | 50% off 💸

Pro Swift | 50% off 💸

Swift Design Patterns | 50% off 💸

Practical iOS 12 | 50% off 💸

Server-side Swift: Vapor Edition | 50% off 💸

Dive Into SpriteKit | 50% off 💸

Advanced iOS: Volume One | 50% off 💸

Advanced iOS: Volume Two | 50% off 💸

Hacking with macOS | 50% off 💸

Hacking with watchOS | 50% off 💸

Hacking with tvOS | 50% off 💸

Swift in Sixty Seconds | 50% off 💸

Objective-C for Swift Developers | 50% off 💸

Server-side Swift: Kitura Edition | 50% off 💸

Beyond Code | 50% off 💸

Beginning iOS 12 Programming with Swift | up to 60% off 💸

Swift 4.2 Algorithms & Data Structures | 50% off 💸

Swift 4.2 Algorithms & Data Structures (Source Code Bundle) | 50% off 💸

iOS 11 by Tutorials | 50% off 💸

tvOS Apprrentice | 50% off 💸

watchOS by Tutorials | 50% off 💸

3D Apple Games by Tutorials | 50% off 💸

2D Apple Games by Tutorials | 50% off 💸

Beat Em up Game Starter Kit - Unity | 50% off 💸

Unity Games by Tutorials | 50% off 💸

Realm: Building MOdern Swift Apps with Realm Database | 50% off 💸

RxSwift: Reactive Programming with Swift | 50% off 💸

Server Side Swift with Vapor | 50% off 💸

ARKit by Tutorials | 50% off 💸

Advanced Apple Debugging & Reverse Engineering | 50% off 💸

iOS Animations by Tutorials | 50% off 💸

Core Data by Tutorials | 50% off 💸

Design Patterns by Tutorials | 50% off 💸

Data Structures and Algorithms in Swift | 50% off 💸

Metal by Tutorials | 50% off 💸

Unity AR & VR by Turorials | 50% off 💸

Push Notifications by Tutorials | 50% off 💸

Advanced iOS App Architecture - Early Access | 50% off 💸

Machine Learning by Tutorials - Early Access | 50% off 💸

Kotlin Coroutines by Tutorials | 50% off 💸

Advanced Android App Architecture | 50% off 💸

iOS Apprentice | 50% off 💸

Mega Unity Bundle | 64% off 💸

Mega Android & Kotlin Bundle | 64% off 💸

Advanced iOS & Swift Bundle | 64% off 💸

Beginning iOS & Swift Bundle | 64% off 💸

Black Friday Video Subscription Sale | 58% off 💸

Making Sense of Auto Layout | 25% off 💰

objc.io Functional Swift | 30% off 💰

objc.io Core Data | 30% off 💰

objc.io Advanced Swift | 30% off 💰

objc.io Optimizing Collections | 30% off 💰

objc.io App Architecture | 30% off 💰

NSScreencast | 50% off 🥳

Modern Auto Layout | 20% off 💰

☁️ Servers

RemoteMac.io | Up to 50% off 💸

🛠 Training & Consulting

The iOS Interview Program | $100 off 💸

iOS Resume Review | 50% off 💸