AngularJS: Real-Time Scheduling App with Firebase

by Gary Pang, "CodeWritingCow"

This is a real-time scheduling app made with AngularJS and Firebase. From the tutorial, "Build a Real-Time Scheduling App using AngularJS and Firebase," by Chris Sevilleja.

Changes since AngularFire 1.x

The tutorial uses AngularFire 0.8.0, which includes the $firebase service and $set() method. Both have been removed from AngularFire since version 1.x, so I have rewritten my app accordingly. Below are snippets of codes from the original app, followed by my updated one.

// create our main controller and get access to firebase
.controller('mainController', function($scope, $firebase) {
  // connect to firebase 
  var ref = new Firebase("");  
  var fb = $firebase(ref);

  // sync as object 
  var syncObject = fb.$asObject();

  // three way data binding
  syncObject.$bindTo($scope, 'days');
.controller('mainController', function ($scope, $firebaseObject) {

    var ref = new Firebase("");

    var syncObject = $firebaseObject(ref);

    syncObject.$bindTo($scope, 'days');

Read more about the changes to AngularFire since version 1.x in Firebase's migration guides.