
An easy to use UIAlertController builder for swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Circle CI Version License Platform

An easy to use UIAlertController builder for swift


  • Short and simple syntax for creating both Alerts and ActionSheets from UIAlertController
  • String together methods to build more complex alerts and action sheets

Basic Usage


Alert(title: "Title", message: "Message")
	.addAction("Delete", style: .Destructive, handler: { _ in
		//Delete the object

Action Sheet

ActionSheet(title: "Title", message: "Message")
	.addAction("Delete", style: .Destructive, handler: { _ in
		//Delete the object

Detailed Usage

There are two seperate classes for creating UIAlertControllers, Alert, and ActionSheet. These are used to simplify the creation of the controller. Both can be initialized with or without both a title and message.


Alert(title: "My title")
ActionSheet(title: "My title")

Alert(message: "My message")
ActionSheet(message: "My message")

Alert(title: "My title", message: "My message")
ActionSheet(title: "My title", message: "My message")

Add various actions to the controller using addAction. By default the button will be styled Cancel, but this can be configured on a per button basis, along with the handler that is called if the button is clicked. The possible styles are Cancel, Default, and Destructive. These methods can be strung together to add more buttons to the controller.

	.addAction("Save", style: .Default) {
	.addAction("Delete", style: Destructive) {

The controller can be presented by calling show(). It will be animated by default.

	.addAction("Delete", style: .Destructive) {
	.show(animated: true) {

Alert Specific Configuration

There is a shortcut on alerts to show with an okay button: showOkay

Alert(title: "Stuff has happened").showOkay()

You can also add your own shortcut show method. The following adds a showNevermind button that adds a Nevermind button and shows the alert.

extension Alert {
	///Shortcut method for adding a nevermind button and showing the alert
	public func showNevermind() {
		super.addAction("Nevermind", style: .Cancel, handler: nil, preferredAction: false)

Text fields can also be added to alerts. To add a text field, initialize a text field first, and configure it, then pass it in with the alert. Note that text fields must be initialized as var rather than let

var textField = UITextField()
textField.placeholder = "Password"
textField.secureTextEntry = true


You can also configure the preferredAction property on an alert. This will highlight the text of the action, and pressing the return key on a physical keyboard will trigger this action.

	.addAction("Okay", style: .Default, preferredAction: true)

ActionSheet Specific Configuration

If presenting on iPad, ActionSheets need to be configured with where it is presenting from. This is done by using the setBarButtonItem or setPresentingSource function. Note that this has no effect on iPhone, so it is safe, and recommended, to call this method if your app supports both iPad and iPhone.

	.addAction("Delete", style: .Destructive) {
	.show(animated: true) {
	.addAction("Delete", style: .Destructive) {
	.show(animated: true) {


You can add an override for the show method to make it easy to add unit tests for your alerts.

func testDeleteOpensConfirmationAlert() {
	let expectation = expectationWithDescription("Show override")

	LKAlertController.overrideShowForTesting { (style, title, message, actions, fields) -> Void in 
		XCTAssertEquals(title, "Are you sure you want to delete?", "Alert title was incorrect")
	//If the override is never called, and the expectation is not fulfilled, the test will fail
	waitForExpectations(0.5, handler: nil)

This will allow you to test the controller was presented as well as the title, message, actions and fields of the alert or action sheet.


LKAlertController is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "LKAlertController"

Issues Questions and Contributing

Have an issue, or want to request a feature? Create an issue in github.

Want to contribute? Add yourself to the authors list, and create a pull request.


Erik Sargent, erik@lightningkite.com


LKAlertController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.